Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 1
Browse through lesson note topics for Primary 1, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Terms, All Weeks, All Subjects
Comprehensive Lesson Plan and Notes By Weeks and Term
Primary 1
1st Term, Week 1, Christian Religious Studies - God the Creator
1st Term, Week 2, Christian Religious Studies - God the Creator
1st Term, Week 3, Christian Religious Studies - God's Goodness
1st Term, Week 4, Christian Religious Studies - God the Giver of Things
1st Term, Week 5, Christian Religious Studies - God's Gift of His Son
1st Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - God's Gift of His Son
1st Term, Week 7, Christian Religious Studies - God is Our Father
1st Term, Week 8, Christian Religious Studies - God is Our Father
2nd Term, Week 1, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 2, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 3, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 4, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 5, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - Things We Must Do as Children of God
2nd Term, Week 7, Christian Religious Studies - Discovering God Through Jesus
2nd Term, Week 8, Christian Religious Studies - Discovering God Through Jesus
3rd Term, Week 1, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus Our Saviour
3rd Term, Week 2, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus Our Saviour
3rd Term, Week 3, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus Our Brother and Friend
3rd Term, Week 4, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus Our Brother and Friend
3rd Term, Week 5, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus commands us to love
3rd Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus commands us to love
3rd Term, Week 7, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus wants us to obey and keep God's commandments
3rd Term, Week 8, Christian Religious Studies - Jesus wants us to obey and keep God's commandments
1st Term, Week 1, Cultural and Creative Arts - Meaning of Art
1st Term, Week 2, Cultural and Creative Arts - Meaning of sounds
1st Term, Week 3, Cultural and Creative Arts - Branches of Art
1st Term, Week 4, Cultural and Creative Arts - Definition of rhymes
1st Term, Week 5, Cultural and Creative Arts - Definition of drama
1st Term, Week 6, Cultural and Creative Arts - Meaning of teamwork
1st Term, Week 7, Cultural and Creative Arts - Types and Functions of Art
1st Term, Week 8, Cultural and Creative Arts - Tonic Sol-fa
1st Term, Week 9, Cultural and Creative Arts - Singing the tonic solfa of twinkle twinkle star
2nd Term, Week 1, Cultural and Creative Arts - Meaning of Craft
2nd Term, Week 2, Cultural and Creative Arts - Singing the Nigerian National Anthem
2nd Term, Week 3, Cultural and Creative Arts - Types of craft
2nd Term, Week 4, Cultural and Creative Arts - uses of music in the society
2nd Term, Week 5, Cultural and Creative Arts - Definition of dance
2nd Term, Week 6, Cultural and Creative Arts - Introduction to story-telling
2nd Term, Week 7, Cultural and Creative Arts - Introduction to Recorder
2nd Term, Week 8, Cultural and Creative Arts - Sense of Belonging
2nd Term, Week 9, Cultural and Creative Arts - Identification of craft items
2nd Term, Week 10, Cultural and Creative Arts - Folk song singing
3rd Term, Week 1, Cultural and Creative Arts - Ceremonies
3rd Term, Week 2, Cultural and Creative Arts - Drawing of different weaving items
3rd Term, Week 3, Cultural and Creative Arts - Singing, ear training, using tonic sol-fa while singing
3rd Term, Week 4, Cultural and Creative Arts - Body make-up, materials for make-up
3rd Term, Week 5, Cultural and Creative Arts - Body make-up
3rd Term, Week 6, Cultural and Creative Arts - Colours - Primary and natural colours
3rd Term, Week 7, Cultural and Creative Arts - Body make-up materials
3rd Term, Week 8, Cultural and Creative Arts - Types of dance
3rd Term, Week 9, Cultural and Creative Arts - Music as a tool for recording past events
1st Term, Week 1, Phonics - Consonant blends I
1st Term, Week 2, Phonics - Consonant blends II
1st Term, Week 3, Phonics - Double consonants I
1st Term, Week 4, Phonics - Hard and soft 'g' and 'c'
1st Term, Week 5, Phonics - Homophones
1st Term, Week 6, Phonics - The long ‘a’ sound pattern (ai, a_e and ay)
1st Term, Week 7, Phonics - The long ‘e’ sound pattern (ee, ea and y)
1st Term, Week 8, Phonics - The long ‘i’ sound pattern (i_e, igh, y)
1st Term, Week 9, Phonics - The long ‘o’ sound pattern (o_e, oa, ow)
2nd Term, Week 1, Phonics - The long ‘u’ sound pattern (u_e, ue, ew)
2nd Term, Week 2, Phonics - R-influenced vowels (ar)
2nd Term, Week 3, Phonics - R-influenced vowels (er)
2nd Term, Week 4, Phonics - The short ‘a’ sound pattern
2nd Term, Week 5, Phonics - The short ‘e’ sound pattern
2nd Term, Week 6, Phonics - The short ‘i’ sound pattern
2nd Term, Week 7, Phonics - The short ‘o’ sound pattern
2nd Term, Week 8, Phonics - The short ‘u’ sound pattern
2nd Term, Week 9, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘ai’
3rd Term, Week 1, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘ch’ and ‘sh’
3rd Term, Week 2, Phonics - Sound pattern 'ck'
3rd Term, Week 3, Phonics - Sound patterns long and short ‘ea’ sound
3rd Term, Week 4, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘oa’
3rd Term, Week 5, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘oi’ and ‘oy’
3rd Term, Week 6, Phonics - Sound patterns long and short ‘oo’ sound
3rd Term, Week 7, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘ou’
3rd Term, Week 8, Phonics - Sound patterns ‘ow’
1st Term, Week 1, Basic Science and Technology - Living things + Basic Computer Operations + Movement of body parts
1st Term, Week 2, Basic Science and Technology - Living things II + Movement of body part
1st Term, Week 3, Basic Science and Technology - Non-Living things + Parts of a computer + Movement
1st Term, Week 4, Basic Science and Technology - Energy I + Movement
1st Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - Energy II + Parts of a computer (monitor and mouse) + Movement
1st Term, Week 6, Basic Science and Technology - Energy III + Sports and games - Athletics
1st Term, Week 7, Basic Science and Technology - Energy IV + Keyboard + Sports and games - Athletics
1st Term, Week 8, Basic Science and Technology - Water (Meaning and sources) + Athletics (simple jumps)
1st Term, Week 9, Basic Science and Technology - Water (Uses) + CPU
2nd Term, Week 1, Basic Science and Technology - Air (Existence and creation) + Parts of a computer (peripherals) + Games (Local games)
2nd Term, Week 2, Basic Science and Technology - Demonstrating air in space + Parts of a computer (peripherals) + Basic skills in ball games
2nd Term, Week 3, Basic Science and Technology - Soil + Starting up a computer + Safety in football games
2nd Term, Week 4, Basic Science and Technology - Soil (Things found in the soil and importance) + Starting up a computer + Safety rules in football games
2nd Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - Light energy (Uses of light and colour) + Swimming
2nd Term, Week 6, Basic Science and Technology - Colour identification I + Computer room
2nd Term, Week 7, Basic Science and Technology - Computer room + Safety rules in swimming
2nd Term, Week 8, Basic Science and Technology - Basic safety of computers + Swimming
2nd Term, Week 9, Basic Science and Technology - Colour identification II + Swimming
3rd Term, Week 1, Basic Science and Technology - Health and Hygiene
3rd Term, Week 2, Basic Science and Technology - Simple machine + Booting + Teeth brushing
3rd Term, Week 3, Basic Science and Technology - Simple machine + Care of nails and hair
3rd Term, Week 4, Basic Science and Technology - Concept of technology + Booting + Cleanliness
3rd Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - Technology in the home + First Aid
3rd Term, Week 6, Basic Science and Technology - Technology in transportation (Land and Air) + My Desktop + First Aid
3rd Term, Week 7, Basic Science and Technology - Technology in transportation(Water) + My Desktop + Contents of First Aid
3rd Term, Week 8, Basic Science and Technology - Exploring your environment + Personalizing my computer
3rd Term, Week 9, Basic Science and Technology - Exploring your environment + Personalizing my computer
1st Term, Week 1, Prevocational Studies - Meaning of Agriculture + The human body
1st Term, Week 2, Prevocational Studies - Importance of Agriculture + The human body
1st Term, Week 3, Prevocational Studies - Common crop plants around us + Reasons for daily care of the body
1st Term, Week 4, Prevocational Studies - Parts of common crop plants + Materials used for caring for the body
1st Term, Week 5, Prevocational Studies - Parts of flowering plants + Care of each part of the body
1st Term, Week 6, Prevocational Studies - Uses of plants + Care of hands and feet
1st Term, Week 7, Prevocational Studies - Dangerous and harmful plants + Reasons for keeping the hand and the feet clean
1st Term, Week 8, Prevocational Studies - Local farm animals + Proper ways of cleaning the hands and feet
1st Term, Week 9, Prevocational Studies - Types and uses of Local farm animals + Reasons for cleaning the mouth, teeth tongue and materials for cleaning the mouth, teeth and tongue
1st Term, Week 10, Prevocational Studies - Foods eaten by local farm animals + Ways of caring for the mouth, teeth and tongue
2nd Term, Week 1, Prevocational Studies - Meaning of Land - things found on the land + Hair materials and tools
2nd Term, Week 2, Prevocational Studies - Types of Land + Ways of caring for the hair and dangers of neglecting caring for the hair
2nd Term, Week 3, Prevocational Studies - Uses of Land + Functions of the ears and nose, materials for cleaning the ears and the nose
2nd Term, Week 4, Prevocational Studies - Uses of rocks and stones to the farmer + Dangers of not caring for the nose and ears
2nd Term, Week 5, Prevocational Studies - The sun + Function of the eyes, materials used in caring for the eyes
2nd Term, Week 6, Prevocational Studies - Benefits of the sun to people and plants + Care of the eyes
2nd Term, Week 7, Prevocational Studies - Description of air-things to make us feel the presence of air + Meaning of the home
2nd Term, Week 8, Prevocational Studies - Uses of air + Different parts of the home and their uses
2nd Term, Week 9, Prevocational Studies - Meaning of air pollution + Items found in different parts of the home and their uses
3rd Term, Week 1, Prevocational Studies - Meaning of water contamination – ways water can be contaminated + Meaning of toilet
3rd Term, Week 2, Prevocational Studies - Uses of water + Items found in the toilet
3rd Term, Week 2, Prevocational Studies - Uses of water + Items found in the toilet
3rd Term, Week 3, Prevocational Studies - Toilet hygiene
3rd Term, Week 4, Prevocational Studies - Dangers of unclean water + Ways of cleaning the surroundings of the home
3rd Term, Week 5, Prevocational Studies - Water purification
3rd Term, Week 6, Prevocational Studies - Meaning of food - Names of food we eat
3rd Term, Week 7, Prevocational Studies - Food we get from animals
3rd Term, Week 8, Prevocational Studies - Food we get from plants
3rd Term, Week 9, Prevocational Studies - Reasons why we eat food
1st Term, Week 1, National Values Education - Meaning of Civic Education + Concept of security + Meaning of Social Studies
1st Term, Week 2, National Values Education - Ways through which civic education can be important at school + Concept of security + Meaning of family
1st Term, Week 3, National Values Education - Ways through which civic education can be important at home + Sources of insecurity + Types of family
1st Term, Week 4, National Values Education - Ways through which civic education can be important through the media + Security alert signs + Extended family
1st Term, Week 5, National Values Education - Other Ways civic education can be important to the society + Security colours + Qualities of a good family
1st Term, Week 6, National Values Education - Good virtues + Security gadgets + Culture-meaning and types
1st Term, Week 7, National Values Education - Rights and duties of citizens in the society + Home security + Values that show good morals in the society
1st Term, Week 8, National Values Education - Public enlightenment campaigns + Office security + Values that show good morals in the society
1st Term, Week 9, National Values Education - Personal security + Values that show bad morals in the society
2nd Term, Week 1, National Values Education - Security precaution
2nd Term, Week 2, National Values Education - Rules and regulation + Sources of danger + Reasons for taking substances into the body
2nd Term, Week 3, National Values Education - Gains of obeying rules and regulation + Security precaution on the road + Reasons for taking substances into the body
2nd Term, Week 4, National Values Education - Results of disobeying rules and regulation + Security precaution at home + Effects of taking substances into the body
2nd Term, Week 5, National Values Education - Importance of school rules and regulation + Security precaution in the office + Meaning and symptoms of overdose
2nd Term, Week 6, National Values Education - Why rules and regulation are necessary + Personal security precautions + Overdose effects
2nd Term, Week 7, National Values Education - Results of not obeying government rules and regulations + Security precautions in the school + How to help people suffering from overdose
2nd Term, Week 8, National Values Education - esults of not obeying government rules and regulations + Security precautions in the car/buses + Food-meaning and types
2nd Term, Week 9, National Values Education - Obedience-meaning + General security tips + Food safety
2nd Term, Week 10, National Values Education - Safety precaution in the environment + Food safety
3rd Term, Week 1, National Values Education - Respect-meaning + Concept of security + Risk factor in food
3rd Term, Week 2, National Values Education - Ways of showing respect + Sources of danger-fire outbreak + Examples of risk factor in food
3rd Term, Week 3, National Values Education - People to respect + Sources of danger-relationship with strangers + Risk factor in food distribution and preparation
3rd Term, Week 4, National Values Education - People to respect + Sources of danger-eating contaminated food + Sources and uses of water
3rd Term, Week 5, National Values Education - Places to respect + Sources of danger-fake drug intake + Sources and uses of water
3rd Term, Week 6, National Values Education - Places to respect + Sources of danger-Drug abuse + Sources and uses of water
3rd Term, Week 7, National Values Education - Things to respect + Sources of danger-gangs + Sources and uses of water
3rd Term, Week 8, National Values Education - Things to respect + Sources of danger and insecurity
3rd Term, Week 9, National Values Education - Sources of insecurity
1st Term, Week 1, History - Introduction to History
1st Term, Week 2, History - Introduction to History
1st Term, Week 3, History - Introduction to History
1st Term, Week 4, History - Family history
1st Term, Week 5, History - Family history
1st Term, Week 6, History - Family history
1st Term, Week 7, History - Peoples in the community
1st Term, Week 8, History - Peoples in the community
1st Term, Week 9, History - Important places in the community
1st Term, Week 10, History - Important places in the community
2nd Term, Week 1, History - Heroes in the community
2nd Term, Week 2, History - Heroes in the community
2nd Term, Week 3, History - Heroes in the community
2nd Term, Week 4, History - Heroes in the community
2nd Term, Week 5, History - Heroines in the community
2nd Term, Week 6, History - Traditional rulers
2nd Term, Week 7, History - Roles of traditional rulers
2nd Term, Week 8, History - Roles of community members
2nd Term, Week 9, History - Roles of community members
3rd Term, Week 1, History - Title holders and symbols
3rd Term, Week 2, History - Traditional title holders in the community
3rd Term, Week 3, History - Traditional title holders in the community
3rd Term, Week 4, History - Duties of traditional title holders in the community
3rd Term, Week 5, History - Meaning of local government
3rd Term, Week 6, History - Meaning of local government
3rd Term, Week 7, History - Reasons for the creation of local government
3rd Term, Week 8, History - The local government chairman
3rd Term, Week 9, History - The local government chairman
1st Term, Week 1, Literature in English - Introduction to Literature
1st Term, Week 2, Literature in English - Introduction to Literature
1st Term, Week 3, Literature in English - Introduction to Literature
1st Term, Week 4, Literature in English - Introduction to Literature
1st Term, Week 5, Literature in English - Introduction to Literature
1st Term, Week 6, Literature in English - Genres of Literature
1st Term, Week 7, Literature in English - Genres of Literature
1st Term, Week 8, Literature in English - Genres of Literature
1st Term, Week 9, Literature in English - Genres of Literature
2nd Term, Week 1, Literature in English - Literary elements
2nd Term, Week 2, Literature in English - Literary elements
2nd Term, Week 3, Literature in English - Literary elements
2nd Term, Week 4, Literature in English - Literary elements
2nd Term, Week 5, Literature in English - Literary elements
2nd Term, Week 6, Literature in English - Background of texts
2nd Term, Week 7, Literature in English - Background of texts
2nd Term, Week 8, Literature in English - Background of texts
2nd Term, Week 9, Literature in English - Background of texts
3rd Term, Week 1, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 2, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 3, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 4, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 5, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 6, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 7, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 8, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 9, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
3rd Term, Week 10, Literature in English - Exploring the recommended texts
1st Term, Week 1, Grammer - The alphabet
1st Term, Week 2, Grammer - Vowels and consonants
1st Term, Week 3, Grammer - Nouns
1st Term, Week 4, Grammer - Nouns
1st Term, Week 5, Grammer - Singular and plural
1st Term, Week 6, Grammer - Singular and plural
1st Term, Week 7, Grammer - Singular and plural
1st Term, Week 8, Grammer - Singular and plural
1st Term, Week 9, Grammer - Singular and plural
1st Term, Week 10, Grammer - Singular and plural
2nd Term, Week 1, Grammer - Gender
2nd Term, Week 2, Grammer - Possession
2nd Term, Week 3, Grammer - Countable and uncountable nouns
2nd Term, Week 4, Grammer - The articles
2nd Term, Week 5, Grammer - Personal pronouns
2nd Term, Week 6, Grammer - Relative and demonstrative pronouns
2nd Term, Week 7, Grammer - Adjectives
2nd Term, Week 8, Grammer - Adjectives
2nd Term, Week 9, Grammer - Verbs
2nd Term, Week 10, Grammer - Tenses
3rd Term, Week 1, Grammer - Tenses
3rd Term, Week 2, Grammer - Tenses
3rd Term, Week 3, Grammer - Adverbs
3rd Term, Week 4, Grammer - Conjunctions
3rd Term, Week 5, Grammer - Prepositions
3rd Term, Week 6, Grammer - Contractions
3rd Term, Week 7, Grammer - Agreement of subject and verb
3rd Term, Week 8, Grammer - Antonyms
3rd Term, Week 9, Grammer - Synonyms
3rd Term, Week 10, Grammer - Simile
1st Term, Week 1, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 2, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 3, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 4, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 5, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 6, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 8, Composition - Guided composition
1st Term, Week 8, Composition - Picture composition
1st Term, Week 9, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 1, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 2, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 3, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 4, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 5, Composition - Picture composition
2nd Term, Week 6, Composition - Writing prompts
2nd Term, Week 7, Composition - Writing prompts
2nd Term, Week 8, Composition - Writing prompts
2nd Term, Week 9, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 1, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 2, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 3, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 4, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 5, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 6, Composition - Picture composition
3rd Term, Week 7, Composition - Written composition
3rd Term, Week 8, Composition - Picture composition
3rd Term, Week 9, Composition - Written composition
1st Term, Week 1, French Language - La Maison
1st Term, Week 2, French Language - La Maison
1st Term, Week 3, French Language - La maison
1st Term, Week 4, French Language - La maison
1st Term, Week 5, French Language - La maison
1st Term, Week 6, French Language - La maison
1st Term, Week 7, French Language - La maison
2nd Term, Week 1, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 2, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 3, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 4, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 5, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 6, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 7, French Language - mon école
2nd Term, Week 8, French Language - mon école
3rd Term, Week 1, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 2, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 3, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 4, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 5, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 6, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 7, French Language - Les jeux
3rd Term, Week 8, French Language - Les jeux