Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 1

Exploring your environment + Personalizing my computer

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 9

Class: Primary 1

Age: 6 years

Duration: 40 minutes


Subject: Basic Science and Technology

TOPIC:-     Exploring your environment

          -        Personalizing my computer

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Demonstrate the right and wrong way of walking on the road
  2. State the rules to observe while crossing the road
  3. Identify the traffic light signs
  4. Explain the functions of road
  5. Experiment the various ways of personalizing the desktop using available theme, wallpaper etc

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method,

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Pictures of different types of road within and outside the school, Pictures of pupils walking on the road, crossing the road, facing and backing the oncoming vehicles, computer system


PERIOD 1 and 2: Exploring your environment






The teacher revisits the previous lesson on exploring the environment

Pupils pay attention



She lists the types of road

1. Private drive pathways.

2. Two-lane highways.

3. Dual carriageways.

4. Expressway.


She further explains the functions of the road

The major function of the road is to accommodate the movement of traffic- both humans and vehicles.

Pupils pay attention



She demonstrates the rules to observe while crossing the road


1. Walk straight across the road – don't jay-walk.

2. Keep checking in both directions to make sure the way is clear.

3. Try not to cross the road from between parked cars or near trees and bushes as drivers may not see you.

4. Avoid crossing near a bend or crest in the road.

5. Look to the right, left then right again before crossing the road


The pupils participate


Note taking

The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books



Types of road

  1. Private drive pathways.
  2. Two-lane highways.
  3. Dual carriageways.
  4. Expressway.


Functions of the road

The major function of the road is to accommodate the movement of traffic- both humans and vehicles.


Rules to observe while crossing the road

  1. Walk straight across the road – don't jay-walk.
  2. Keep checking in both directions to make sure the way is clear.
  3. Try not to cross the road from between parked cars or near trees and bushes as drivers may not see you.
  4. Avoid crossing near a bend or crest in the road.
  5. Look to the right, left then right again before crossing the road


EVALUATION:    1. Enumerate the types of road you know

  1. State the function of the road
  2. What are the rules to observe while crossing the road?

CLASS ACTIVITY: Each pupil draw the traffic light sign

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

PERIOD 3: Personalizing my desktop





Introduction of the topic

The teacher revises the previous lesson on personalizing my desktop

Pupils pay attention



She highlights the procedures for changing desktop theme


How to select or change a theme

1.   Press the Windows key + D , or navigate the Windows desktop.

2.   Right-click in any blank space on the desktop.

3.   Select Personalize from the drop-down menu that appears.

4.   On the left side, select Themes.

5.   In the Themes window that appears, find a theme you'd like to use and click it.

Pupils pay attention



She also highlights the procedures for personalizing desktop screen saver


1. Go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen and select Screen saver settings.


2. In the Screen Saver Settings window, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list.

Pupils pay attention



She writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the notes in their books



How to select or change a theme

  1. Press the Windows key + D , or navigate the Windows desktop.
  2. Right-click in any blank space on the desktop.
  3. Select Personalize from the drop-down menu that appears.
  4. On the left side, select Themes.
  5. In the Themes window that appears, find a theme you'd like to use and click it.


Procedures for personalizing desktop screen saver

  1. Go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen and select Screen saver settings.
  2. In the Screen Saver Settings window, choose a screen saver from the drop-down list.

EVALUATION:    1. Outline the procedures for changing the theme of the desktop

  1. Outline the procedures for personalizing the desktop screen saver

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in pairs outlines changing the theme and screen saver on the desktop

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

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