TERM: 1st Term
SUBJECT: Grammar
AGE: 6 years
DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC : Nouns
CONTENT : Proper and common nouns
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of familiar sentences with proper and common nouns to arouse the interest of the pupils
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Metropolitan English series English grammar for Basic Education Book 1 page 11-14, flash cards and charts on proper and common nouns, real objects/pictures of common and proper nouns
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Nouns
1 | INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by Explaining what a common noun and a proper noun is; Proper nouns-they are the special names given to persons, pets, places, animals, things etc
Common Nouns- they are the general names to people, animals, places, things etc
| Pupils observe, learn and participate |
2 | EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION/TEACHER MODELLING | The teacher then gives examples of proper nouns and common nouns Proper nouns Persons-Richard, Ngozi, Savannah, Mary Pets/animals- Bingo, Jackie, Richie, Sophie, Cuppy Places-Abuja, Togo, Ghana, Lagos, Wonderland park, Kinderland Park, Shoprite etc Days- Sunday, Monday , Tuesday NOTE: We use capital letters to begin proper nouns
Common nouns Persons- boy, girl, man, woman, baby Animals- snake, elephant, donkey, cow Places- country, mosque, church, room Things- laptop, pen NOTE: We do not use capital letters to begin common nouns
| Pupils observe, learn and participate |
3 | EVALUATION | The pupils are asked to 1. explain what a proper and common noun is 2. Give five examples each of proper and common nouns | - Pupils observe, learn and participate |
4 | CLASS-WORK | Pupils are asked to answer questions A & B on page 12-13 of the text-book | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
5 | ASSIGNMENT | Pupils are asked to answer questions C and D on page 14 of the reference text. | Pupils participate |
6 | CONCLUSION | The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils |
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