Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6
Browse through lesson note topics for Primary 6, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Terms, All Weeks, All Subjects
Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term
Primary 6
1st Term, Week 4, Cultural and Creative Arts - Rhythmic Activities
1st Term, Week 4, Civic Education - Values that promote peace
1st Term, Week 4, Basic Science and Technology - Our weather
1st Term, Week 4, English Comprehension - Finding information from books
1st Term, Week 4, Security Education - How to act appropriately
1st Term, Week 4, Agricultural Science - Control of farm animal diseases.
1st Term, Week 4, Christian Religious Studies - God’s miracle through Paul
1st Term, Week 4, Social Studies - Martial failure
1st Term, Week 4, General Knowledge - Airports in Nigeria
1st Term, Week 4, Mathematics - Fractions and Decimals
1st Term, Week 4, Yoruba Language - Agbara Ede Yoruba
1st Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - Topic: Animal sounds
1st Term, Week 5, Agricultural Science - Importance of Agriculture
1st Term, Week 5, Home Economics - Meal service and Entertainment
1st Term, Week 5, Social Studies - Pre-marital sexual relationship
1st Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - The earth and its movement
1st Term, Week 5, Civic Education - Nationalism and Patriotism
1st Term, Week 5, English Comprehension - King sunny Ade
1st Term, Week 5, Computer Education - Word processing
1st Term, Week 5, General Knowledge - Some important dates to remember
1st Term, Week 5, Mathematics - Demography
1st Term, Week 5, Vocational Aptitude - Mechanized farming
1st Term, Week 5, Security Education - Health Issues (Ebola)
1st Term, Week 6, Security Education - How ebola is spread
1st Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - Meaning of decision making
1st Term, Week 6, Mathematics - Ratio and proportion
1st Term, Week 6, Vocational Aptitude - Aviation
1st Term, Week 6, Cultural and Creative Arts - Bead making
1st Term, Week 6, English Comprehension - The Common Entrance Exam
1st Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - Paul met opposition in Phillipi
1st Term, Week 6, Civic Education - Citizenship and Naturalization
1st Term, Week 6, Home Economics - Meal service and entertainment
1st Term, Week 6, Social Studies - STD’s and HIV/AIDs
1st Term, Week 6, Basic Science and Technology - The universe
1st Term, Week 6, Computer Education - Word processing environments
1st Term, Week 6, Agricultural Science - Importance of Agriculture (contd)
1st Term, Week 6, Agricultural Science - Problems facing Agriculture
1st Term, Week 7, Basic Science and Technology - Growing crops
1st Term, Week 7, Vocational Aptitude - The Military
1st Term, Week 7, Social Studies - Influences of foreign culture on our cultural values.
1st Term, Week 7, Mathematics - Ratio: population issues
1st Term, Week 7, English Comprehension - Gender Issue
1st Term, Week 7, Civic Education - Government policies and programmes
1st Term, Week 7, Home Economics - Simple food preservation and storage.
1st Term, Week 7, Christian Religious Studies - Paul’s suffering in Phillipi
1st Term, Week 7, Computer Education - Word perfect, word star and Corel word perfect
1st Term, Week 7, Physical and Health Education - Relay Race
1st Term, Week 9, Computer Education - Word processing steps.
1st Term, Week 9, Agricultural Science - Inadequacies of good storage and transport facilities.
1st Term, Week 9, Christian Religious Studies - Paul met opposition in Thessalonica and Athens
1st Term, Week 9, Vocational Aptitude - Veterinary Medicine
1st Term, Week 9, Mathematics - Problems on percentage
1st Term, Week 9, Basic Science and Technology - Improving crop yield
1st Term, Week 9, English Comprehension - The stranger in the bedroom
1st Term, Week 1, Christian Religious Studies - Paul’s Identity
1st Term, Week 1, Basic Science and Technology - Types of drugs
1st Term, Week 1, Vocational Aptitude - Professionalism
1st Term, Week 1, Cultural and Creative Arts - Drawing
1st Term, Week 1, Agricultural Science - Definition of Agriculture
1st Term, Week 1, General Knowledge - Ministers and their portfolio’s
1st Term, Week 1, Computer Education - Computer Networks
1st Term, Week 1, Yoruba Language - Ise sise ati Ere Re
1st Term, Week 1, English Comprehension - How the lizard got its wrinkles
1st Term, Week 1, Mathematics - Place value
1st Term, Week 1, Home Economics - Buying and Spending
1st Term, Week 2, Vocational Aptitude - Information Technology (IT)
1st Term, Week 2, Cultural and Creative Arts - Tie and Dye
1st Term, Week 2, Christian Religious Studies - Paul’s conversation
1st Term, Week 2, Agricultural Science - People that are engaged in Agriculture
1st Term, Week 2, Civic Education - National Honours Award (contd)
1st Term, Week 2, Computer Education - Types of computer Networks
1st Term, Week 2, Home Economics - Meal Planning
1st Term, Week 2, Mathematics - Whole Numbers
1st Term, Week 2, Basic Science and Technology - Normal use of drugs (Drug use)
1st Term, Week 2, Social Studies - External influences on Nigerian family life (contd)
1st Term, Week 2, Yoruba Language - Ewi
1st Term, Week 2, English Comprehension - Always be honest; dishonest never pays
1st Term, Week 2, General Knowledge - Nigeria National Holidays
1st Term, Week 3, Cultural and Creative Arts - Tie and Dye (contd)
1st Term, Week 3, Home Economics - Menu Planning
1st Term, Week 3, Christian Religious Studies - Paul preaches to different people
1st Term, Week 3, Basic Science and Technology - Drug Abuse
1st Term, Week 3, Civic Education - Manufacturing goods in Nigeria
1st Term, Week 3, Agricultural Science - Crop Storage
1st Term, Week 3, Vocational Aptitude - Sports and Games
1st Term, Week 3, Computer Education - Advantages of computer networks
1st Term, Week 3, Physical and Health Education - Physical fitness and body conditioning
1st Term, Week 3, Computer Education - Word processing with the computer
1st Term, Week 3, Security Education - Personal security management
1st Term, Week 3, Physical and Health Education - Long distance races
1st Term, Week 3, English Comprehension - Eaters of dust
1st Term, Week 3, Yoruba Language - Onka
1st Term, Week 3, Basic Tech - Components of light
1st Term, Week 3, Security Education - Various crimes have there their own punishment
1st Term, Week 4, Vocational Aptitude - Welding
1st Term, Week 4, Home Economics - Special dishes and drinks in the locality
1st Term, Week 4, Computer Education - Uses of computer networks
1st Term, Week 1, Mathematics - Numbers and Numeration
1st Term, Week 2, Mathematics - BINARY NUMBERS
1st Term, Week 3, Mathematics - PLACE VALUE
1st Term, Week 4, Mathematics - HCF and LCM
1st Term, Week 5, Mathematics - FRACTION
1st Term, Week 6, Mathematics - RATIO AND PROPORTION
1st Term, Week 9, Mathematics - MULTIPLICATION
1st Term, Week 10, Mathematics - DIVISION
1st Term, Week 1, Social Studies - External influences on Nigerian family life
1st Term, Week 2, Social Studies - Influence of working parents on the Nigerian family
1st Term, Week 3, Social Studies - Intermarriage
1st Term, Week 5, Social Studies - MEANING OF CULTURE
1st Term, Week 6, Social Studies - RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IN NIGERIA
1st Term, Week 7, Social Studies - Concept of labor and trade union
1st Term, Week 8, Social Studies - Wages and income distribution
1st Term, Week 9, Social Studies - Employment
1st Term, Week 10, Social Studies - NIGERIAN AND FOREIGN MADE GOODS
1st Term, Week 11, Social Studies - RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT
1st Term, Week 2, Basic Science and Technology - SYNTHETIC AND NATURALLY-OCCURRING DRUGS
1st Term, Week 3, Basic Science and Technology - DRUG USE
1st Term, Week 4, Basic Science and Technology - OUR WEATHER
1st Term, Week 5, Basic Science and Technology - OUR EARTH AND SKY
1st Term, Week 6, Basic Science and Technology - THE EARTH'S MOVEMENT AND ITS EFFECTS
1st Term, Week 7, Basic Science and Technology - LIVING AND NON-LIVING THINGS
1st Term, Week 9, Basic Science and Technology - IMPROVING CROP YIELD
1st Term, Week 10, Basic Science and Technology - THE HUMAN BODY (BLOOD CIRCULATION)
1st Term, Week 1, Home Economics - THE SEWING MACHINE
1st Term, Week 2, Home Economics - Uses and Cares for the Sewing Machines
1st Term, Week 3, Home Economics - THE SEWING MACHINE
1st Term, Week 5, Home Economics - INCOME YIELDING CRAFTS
1st Term, Week 6, Home Economics - INCOME YIELDING CRAFTS
1st Term, Week 1, Grammer - REVISION
1st Term, Week 2, Grammer - Further practice on report making; Grammar: Synonym Writing: Guided composition
1st Term, Week 3, Grammer - Reporting type of essay; Grammar: Noun: Definition and types; Writing: A report of an incident
1st Term, Week 4, Grammer - TOPIC: Pronunciation, stress and intonation practice; Grammar: pronoun: Definition and types Writing: Features of formal and informal letters
1st Term, Week 5, Grammer - Grammar: Verbs: Definition and types Structure: Mastering of passive voice Construction: change active sentences into Passive voice writing: Argumentative essay: A teacher is more Important than a farmer
1st Term, Week 6, Grammer - Structure: Selected poem based on the virtues of Kindness; Grammar: Adjectives: Meaning and types
1st Term, Week 7, Grammer - Grammar: Adverb: Meaning and types; Writing: Guide to good essay writing; comprehension
1st Term, Week 9, Grammer - Speech Work: Argumentative Essay; Structure: Instructions; Grammar: Preposition meaning and usage; Writing: Argumentative essay: Science does more harm to humanity than good
1st Term, Week 9, Grammer - Speech Work: Direct and indirect speech; Grammar: Conjunction meaning and Identification; Writing: Simple future questions and past tense
1st Term, Week 1, Cultural and Creative Arts - STILL LIFE DRAWING
1st Term, Week 3, Cultural and Creative Arts - STILL LIFE DRAWING
1st Term, Week 6, Cultural and Creative Arts - Experiences that can be composed
1st Term, Week 8, Cultural and Creative Arts - INTRODUCTION TO TIE AND DYE
1st Term, Week 10, Cultural and Creative Arts - MAKING TIE AND DYE FABRICS
1st Term, Week 2, Agricultural Science - MEANING OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE
1st Term, Week 4, Agricultural Science - IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE
1st Term, Week 6, Agricultural Science - Problems of Agriculture in Nigeria
1st Term, Week 8, Agricultural Science - People in Agriculture
1st Term, Week 10, Agricultural Science - Origin of farming
1st Term, Week 1, Information Communication Technology - The Computer System
1st Term, Week 2, Information Communication Technology - Computer Networks
1st Term, Week 4, Information Communication Technology - Network topology
1st Term, Week 6, Information Communication Technology - Advantages and uses of computer
1st Term, Week 7, Information Communication Technology - Word Processing
1st Term, Week 8, Information Communication Technology - Word processor
1st Term, Week 10, Information Communication Technology - World processing environment
1st Term, Week 1, Christian Religious Studies - PAUL'S EARLY LIFE
1st Term, Week 2, Christian Religious Studies - PAUL'S CONVERSION
1st Term, Week 3, Christian Religious Studies - THE IMPORTANCE OF PAUL'S CONVERSION
1st Term, Week 4, Christian Religious Studies - PAUL'S MISSION
1st Term, Week 6, Christian Religious Studies - PAUL IN EUROPE
1st Term, Week 8, Christian Religious Studies - THE LETTERS OR EPISTLES OF SAINT PAUL
3rd Term, Week 2, Agricultural Science - LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION – RABBIT REARING
3rd Term, Week 3, Agricultural Science - POULTRY (CHICKENS)
3rd Term, Week 4, Agricultural Science - POULTRY - CHICKEN
3rd Term, Week 5, Agricultural Science - POULTRY CHICKEN – SIGN OF ILL–HEALTH IN CHICKEN
3rd Term, Week 6, Agricultural Science - FARM RECORDS
1st Term, Week 1, Physical and Health Education - Meaning of creative rhythms
1st Term, Week 2, Physical and Health Education - Athletics (Track and field events)
1st Term, Week 3, Physical and Health Education - TRACK EVENTS – Relay Races
1st Term, Week 4, Physical and Health Education - TRACK EVENTS - HURDLES
1st Term, Week 5, Physical and Health Education - FIELD EVENT (HIGH JUMP)
1st Term, Week 6, Physical and Health Education - FIELD EVENTS - LONG JUMP
1st Term, Week 8, Physical and Health Education - FOOTBALL
1st Term, Week 10, Physical and Health Education - TABLE TENNIS
1st Term, Week 11, Physical and Health Education - VOLLEYBALL
1st Term, Week 12, Physical and Health Education - BASKETBALL