Week 3
Subject: Basic science and technology (Information Technology)
Topic: Word processing with the computer
Duration: 40 mins
Reference: Smart basic science and technology
Objective: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to identify the word processing software
A word processor is a computer application (or programs) used to create, edit, save and print documents. A document is like a blank sheet or paper on which you can write, draw and create lists and tables. Microsoft word is the most popular word processing application. Other examples of word processing application are Apple® Pages®, Goggle Docs™ and Apache open office® writer.
Uses of word processing software
Word processors use a graphical user interface (GUI) which lets you see what the finished document will look like as you create it.
Word processors are used by many different types of people, for example:
Step I: Teacher revises previous lesson with pupils
Step II: Teacher introduces and explains new topic to pupils
Step III: Pupils are allowed to ask questions
Step IV: Teacher writes notes on the board for pupils
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