Week 3
Subject: Basic science
Topic: Drug Abuse
Duration: 40 mins
Reference: Easy way to Basic science and technology for primary schools book 6
Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with Drug abuse
Objective: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
When any drug is used beyond its required amount, such that the person loses control over its usage, it is called drug abuse. Drug abuse is the incorrect use and the misuse of drugs. It also means to take drugs without the doctor’s advice or to take an overdose of naturally occurring drugs and synthetic drugs.
Effects of Drug Abuse
Some drugs are needed for health benefits. But prolong and inappropriate use can have health consequences. It can also cause addiction. The brain and nervous system controls all our actions. Most drugs affect the nervous system. Hence drugs can affect not only the body of a person but also the behaviour of a person. Some hard drugs that have such effects include cocaine, madrax, valium and LSD.
Health effects of drug abuse
How to avoid drug abuse
Step I: Teacher revises previous lesson with pupils
Step II: Teacher introduces and explains new topic to pupils
Step III: Pupils are allowed to ask questions
Step IV: Teacher writes note on the board for pupils
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