Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6

The earth and its movement

Week 5

Subject: Basic science

Topic: The earth and its movement

Reference: Easy way to basic science and technology for primary schools book 6

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with our weather

Objective: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

  1. Define rotation or revolution
  2. Know the effects of revolution and rotation


The earth moves in two different ways: there are:

  1. Rotation: the earth is sphere. The earth moves around its own axis. This is called rotation. The earth moves (rotates) from west to east. The time taken during one full rotation is twenty-four hours, that is, one day. As the earth rotates round its axis, the surface that is facing the sun will have day and that which is not facing the sun will have night.
  2. Revolution: the earth moves around the sun in a definite path. This path is elliptical and is called the orbit. This movement of the earth around the sun is called revolution.  The time taken by the earth to complete one revolution is one year. The earth revolves around the sun from east to west.

The sun: the sun is a star too. It is very hot. It is made up of gases. Heat and light produced from the sun is the main source for the earth. The moon shines at night due to the reflected light from the sun.

Effects of revolution and rotation

The movement of revolving and rotating helps us to know the time. The earth experiences the various seasons. The path of earth that is closest to the sun has summer. In Nigeria, this is called rainy season and when that part is farthest from the sun, it will be winter. This is called dry season.

Solar eclipse: when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun, the sun is hidden from the earth. The shadow of the moon falls on earth, so it blocks the sun’s rays and we have solar eclipse.


Step I: Teacher revises previous lesson with pupils

Step II: Teacher introduces and explain new topic to pupils

Step III: Pupils are allowed to ask questions

Step IV: Teacher writes note on the boards for pupils

Conclusion: Teacher moves round for inspection, marking and correction of notes where necessary.

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