Reporting type of essay; Grammar: Noun: Definition and types; Writing: A report of an incident
WEEK: Three
CLASS: Basic six
SUBJECT: English Grammar
TERM: 1st Term
TOPIC: Reporting type of essay; Grammar: Noun: Definition and types; Writing: A report of an incident
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with nouns and oral form of report
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook
REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English Pupils’ Book to
The purpose of a report is to convey specific information to provide the reader with information. The purpose of an essay is to show how well you have understood the question and are able to answer it. A report usually contains a description of events/results of research.
A noun is a naming word. It is the name of a person, idea, animal, place or things. E.g: Bose, farm, hospital, ant etc
EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:
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