Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6

STD’s and HIV/AIDs

Week 6

Subject: Social studies

Topic: STD’s and HIV/AIDs

Duration: 40 mins

Reference: Easy way to social studies for primary schools book 6.

Previous knowledge: Pupils are familiar with pre-marital sexual relationships.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Know the full meaning of STD’s and HIV/AID’s.
  2. Know the means of contracting HIV/AIDs.
  3. Know the ways of preventing HIV/AIDs.


STD’s means sexually transmitted diseases i.e diseases that are contracted through sexual intercourse. When a person who has sexually transmitted disease engages in sex without protection, he/she passes it on to his/her partner.

HIV refers to Human immune-deficiency virus. This is the virus that causes AIDS. It causes damage to the body by destroying the white blood cells and weakening the immune system. The body then begins to breakdown slowly until it is incapable of withstanding infections and diseases.

The full form of AID is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. At this stage, the person infected with the disease can no longer withstand disease, as the defense mechanism of his/her body is completely weakened or destroyed.

Means of contracting HIV/AIDs

HIV/AIDs can be contracted through the following means

  1. Sexual intercourse
  2. Sharing sharp, unsterilized objects, e.g razor, syringes, needles etc.
  3. Breast milk ie mother to child transmission.

Effects of STD’s and HIV/AIDs

STD’s and HIV/AIDs are dangerous diseases. They can have the following effects on the infected persons and the society at large

  1. Stigmatization from the society.
  2. Death in some extreme cases, could occur.
  3. Loss of job/gainful employment.
  4. Isolation from members of the family.
  5. Loss of self-esteem.

Ways of parenting contact with STD’s and HIV/AIDs

STD’s and HIV/AIDs can be avoided if we behave correctly, by not allowing ourselves to be exposed to risky sexual behaviours we can achieve this by:

  1. Maintaining one sex partner.
  2. Not patronizing commercial sex workers.
  3. Avoiding exposure to ponographic material.
  4. Listening to good counsel from elders, parents, guardians and health officials.
  5. Abstaining from unprotected sex.


Step I: Teacher revises previous lesson with pupils

Step II: Teacher introduces and explain new topic to pupils

Step III: Pupils are allowed to ask questions

Step IV: Teacher writes note on the boards for pupils


  1. What is STD’s
  2. Mention three means of contracting HIV/AIDs
  3. AID’s means _________________________.
  4. HIV means _________________________.
  5. List three effects of STD and HIV/AIDs.

Conclusion: Teacher moves round for inspection, marking and correction of notes where necessary.

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