Welcome to Lesson Notes

How to Delete your Data

This page informs you of our policies regarding data deletion.

Please read our data use and policy pages to abreast yourself of our data use and retention policies.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

The following types of data are collected from you on registering:

  1. Email address
  2. Phone number
  3. First name
  4. Last name
  5. Locality
  6. State of Residence
  7. Country of Residence
  8. Class you're teaching
  9. Are you a teacher or not
  10. Subject you're teaching
  11. School Name
  12. School Locality
  13. School State

Where we store data

The Lesson Notes App stores user data in 2 locations.
  1. On the local device (User account data and lesson notes data).
  2. On the Cloud. (Only User account data).

What happens when you un-install the App

When you uninstall the App, the data in item 1 above (local device) is deleted, but item 2 (cloud data) is not deleted.

What is Cloud Data used for?

Cloud data is used for providing the following

  1. Chat functionality
  2. Job Alerts.
  3. Account Update.
  4. Finding teachers around you
  5. Referrals and Rewards.

What happens when I delete the Cloud Data

Kindly note, you can delete data stored in the cloud and would loose access to the features highlighted above.

How can I delete the data in the Cloud

You can delete the data in the cloud by launching the App on your device and by following these steps

  1. Launch the lessonotes App
  2. Click on the hamburger icon in the top left hand corner
  3. Scroll down to the menu titled "Delete User Account" and click on it.
  4. Scroll down the next page and click on "Delete my Data" button.

What happens next

After deleting your data, the app will redirect you to the mini version of the App that doesn't rely on your data for extra functionalities.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Data Deletion Act, please contact us:

  1. By email: [email protected]
  2. By visiting this page on our website: https://lessonotes.com/data-deletion.html
  3. By WhatsApp: +2348146382332