Subject: Number Work
Term: 1st Term
Week: 6
Class: Pre-K
Age: 3 years
Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods
Topic: Oral counting 1-15
Content: Introduction, Identification, colouring objects in relation to number 2, sorting of things by size and shape – triangle
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
Instructional Techniques: Explanation, demonstration, examples, questions and answers
Instructional procedures:
Periods 1 and 2: Counting 1 – 15, Introduction, identification, colouring of number 3
Presentation | Teachers Activity | Pupils Activity |
Step (1) Introduction of the theme | The teacher uses balloon to explain the theme, that balloon is a small bag made of thin rubber that becomes larger when inflated with air. | The Pupils pay attention. |
2 Counting | With the use of a chart and flash cards, the teacher counts 1 – 15 with the pupils | Pupils count |
3 Introduction and identification of 3 | The teacher uses flashcard to identify number 3. She writes it on the board for them to identify. 3 3 3 | Pupils identify |
4 Colouring | She draws number 3 and colours it and makes them colour number 3 |
Evaluation | 1. Count numbers 1 – 15 2. Identify number 3 |
Class work | As in evaluation |
Conclusion | The teacher corrects and applauds them |
Periods 3: Sorting things by size, shape-triangle, colours, tracing and writing 3
Presentation | Teachers Activity | Pupils Activity |
Step (1) Review of the theme | Using balloon song the teacher revisits the theme. | Pupils sing along |
2 Counting | The teacher uses chart and flash cards and count number 1 – 15 with the pupils | Pupils count |
3 Sorting things by size/shape | The teacher uses different sizes of shape (triangle) according to their sizes and calls them to the board to sort triangle according to their sizes.
4 Colour- blue | She colours the triangle blue and asks them to identify it
5 Tracing and writing | She traces and writes 3 on the board and aids them do same.
______ ______ _______ |
Evaluation |
1. Arrange the triangles above by their sizes 2. Trace and write 3 _______ ________ ________ Which among the above triangles is blue? |
Class work | As in evaluation |
Conclusion | The teacher corrects and commends their positively |
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