Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Toddler

Oral Counting 1 - 15

Subject: Number Work

Term: 1st Term

Week: 5

Class: Pre-K 

Age:  3 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods


Topic: Oral counting 1-15

Content: Introduction, Identification, colouring objects in relation to number 2, sorting of things by size and shape – square 

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  1. Count numbers 1 - 15
  2. Identify number 2
  3. Colour, trace and write 2
  4. Sorting things by their sizes and identify square

Instructional Techniques: Explanation, demonstration, examples, questions and answers

Instructional procedures:

Periods 1 and 2: Counting 1 – 15, Introduction, identification, colouring of number 2


Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity

Step (1)

Introduction of the theme

The teacher uses balloon to explain the theme, that balloon is a small bag made of thin rubber that becomes larger when inflated with air. 

The Pupils pay attention.



With the use of a chart and flash cards, the teacher counts  1 – 15 with the pupils

Pupils count


Introduction and identification if 2

The teacher uses flashcard to identify number 2. She writes it on the board for them to identify.

2       2         2

Pupils identify



She draws number 2 and colour up and makes them colour number 2



1. Count numbers 1 – 15

2. Identify number 2



Class work

As in evaluation



The teacher corrects and applauds them



Periods 3: Sorting things by size, shape-square, tracing and writing 2


Teachers Activity

Pupils Activity

Step (1)

Review of the theme

Using balloon song the teacher revisits the theme. 

Pupils sing along



The teacher uses chart and flash cards and count number 1 – 15 with the pupils

Pupils count


Sorting things by size/shape

The teacher uses different sizes of shape (square) according to their sizes and calls them to the board to sort square according to their sizes, shape(square).



Tracing and writing

She traces and writes 2 on the board and aids them do same.




1. Arrange the squares above by their sizes 

2. Trace and write  2


Class work

As in evaluation



The teacher corrects and commends their positively 


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