Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary 1


Term – 1st Term

Week: 10

Class: Senior Secondary School 1

Age: 15 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 2 periods each


Subject:      Insurance

Topic:-       Hazard/peril

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Explain the meaning of hazard
  2. Discuss the meaning and give examples of physical hazard

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Videos, loud speaker, textbook, pictures








The teacher reviews the previous lesson on risk

Students pay attention



He explains the meaning of hazard


Students pay attention and participates



He explains the meaning of physical hazards and gives examples


Students pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a summarized note on the board

The students copy the note in their books




A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc. 

Hazard is any situation or occurrences that can either cause or increase the likelihood of a loss.  It is referred to as the definite appearance with features that can influence the severity of loss. 

A hazard is a potential source of harm. Substances, events, or circumstances can constitute hazards when their nature would allow them to cause damage to health, life, property, or any other interest of value. 

For example, working alone away from your office can be a hazard. The risk of personal danger may be high. Electric cabling is a hazard. An exposed wiring place is in a 'high-risk' category.


Physical hazard 

This is the physical condition that increases the possibility of a loss.  A physical hazard is a naturally occurring process that has the potential to create loss or damage.

Physical hazards include earthquakes, floods, fires, and tornadoes.

Note that: Physical hazards often have both human and natural elements. Flood problems can be affected by the natural elements of climate fluctuations and storm frequency, and by land drainage and building in a flood plain, human elements.

Examples of physical hazard

  1. In the event of fire outbreak, the hazard present in a building constructed with wood is very high. The severity of the damage that can occur can also be influenced by the use of generator, which requires the use of fuel.
  2. The erratic power supply in Nigeria can increase the use of naked light in less privileged homes.
  3. X-rays, naturally occur from solar radiation, but have also been utilized by humans for medical purposes; however, overexposure can lead to cancer, skin burns, and tissue damage.
  4. High level of motor accidents can be recorded in places like Lagos, compared to other places in the country where the population density is low.
  5. The use of motorcycles for commercial purpose is much more pronounced in some places e.g. Lagos, Abuja which can equally increase the likelihood of motor accident in such places.
  6. body stressing.
  7. confined spaces.
  8. electricity.
  9. heat.
  10. heights.
  11. noise.
  12. vibration

EVALUATION:    1. Explain the meaning of hazard

  1. Explain physical hazard and give five examples of physical hazard

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the students positively