Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6

Home accidents

TERM: 3rd Term


CLASS: Primary 6

AGE: 11 years

DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each

SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies

TOPIC:       Home accidents

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Mention and explain different types of home accidents
  2. Identify causes of home accidents
  3. Discuss how home accidents can be prevented

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.




PERIOD 1 and 2:






The teacher revises the previous lesson on marketing boards and cooperative societies in the agricultural context


Pupils pay attention



The teacher mentions and explains the types and causes of accidents in the home


1) Falling objects 

Danger of pulling objects down on one’s self

2) Trips and Falls

A fall can affect people of all ages, but they are most common amongst the very young and the very old. If A person who has fallen subsequently becomes drowsy, vomits or loses consciousness, it is important to seek medical advice.

3) Bruises

Even a fall that isn't serious can lead to nasty bruising which can be quite painful.


4) Sprains 

A sprain is when a ligament, which connects parts of a joint, is stretched, twisted or torn. Knees, ankles and wrists are the most common parts of the body affected.

5) Cuts

Any cut means that there will be some blood,
6) Burns

Hot drinks cause most burns and scalds. A safe distance away from open fires, cookers, irons, hair straighteners and matches, as these can be dangerous too.

7) Choking

This is putting objects in the mouth and swallowing them.

8) Poisoning

Most poisoning incidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics around the house.

9) Glass-related injuries

Broken glass can cause serious cuts and so use of the material around the home in furniture or fittings should be carefully considered.

10) Drowning

Young children can drown in very shallow water, so should be supervised at all times when near it.

Pupils pay attention



The teacher discusses how to prevent home accidents

1. Move furniture and items out of high-traffic areas in your home so you don't accidentally trip over them.

2. If you spill something, clean it up right away so you don't slip.

3. Keep your home well-lit so you don't trip on something in the dark.

4. If you need to, install handrails or grab bars to help support yourself.

5. Avoid unsafe playgrounds.

6. Provide protective gear for play time.

7. Keep rugs in place. 8. Reduce clutter.

9. Only use step stools when necessary.


Pupils pay attention



The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note

Pupils copy the note



Types and causes of accidents in the home

1) Falling objects 

Danger of pulling objects down on one’s self


2) Trips and Falls

A fall can affect people of all ages, but they are most common amongst the very young and the very old. If A person who has fallen subsequently becomes drowsy, vomits or loses consciousness, it is important to seek medical advice.


3) Bruises

Even a fall that isn't serious can lead to nasty bruising which can be quite painful..


4) Sprains 

A sprain is when a ligament, which connects parts of a joint, is stretched, twisted or torn. Knees, ankles and wrists are the most common parts of the body affected.


5) Cuts

Any cut means that there will be some blood,

6) Burns

Hot drinks cause most burns and scalds. A safe distance away from open fires, cookers, irons, hair straighteners and matches, as these can be dangerous too.

7) Choking

This is putting objects in the mouth and swallowing them.


8) Poisoning

Most poisoning incidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics around the house.


9) Glass-related injuries

Broken glass can cause serious cuts and so use of the material around the home in furniture or fittings should be carefully considered.


10) Drowning

Young children can drown in very shallow water, so should be supervised

at all times when near it.


How to prevent home accidents

  1. Move furniture and items out of high-traffic areas in your home so you don't accidentally trip over them.
  2. If you spill something, clean it up right away so you don't slip.
  3. Keep your home well-lit so you don't trip on something in the dark.
  4. If you need to, install handrails or grab bars to help support yourself.
  5. Avoid unsafe playgrounds.
  6. Provide protective gear for play time.
  7. Keep rugs in place. 8. Reduce clutter.
  8. Only use step stools when necessary.


EVALUATION:    1. Describe five causes and types of home accidents

  1. Enumerate six ways we can prevent home accidents

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books

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