Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6


TERM: 2nd Term

SUBJECT: Grammar



AGE: 11 years

DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each


TOPIC : Conjunctions

CONTENT : Conjunctions

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Explain what conjunction is
  2. Explain the two main types of conjunctions
  3. Give examples of conjunctions

SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of sentences indicating conjunctions to arouse the interest of the pupils

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Metropolitan English series English grammar for Basic Education Book 3 page 63-65, flash cards and charts on conjunctions, The New first aid in English by Angus Maciver page 85-89


PERIOD 1 AND 2: Conjunctions







The teacher revises the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by Explaining what a conjunction is


Conjunctions are words that we use to join two sentences to become one. Examples of conjunctions are And, but, because, before, although etc

Pupils observe, learn and participate



The teacher further differentiates between the two types of conjunctions

1. Conjunctions which join similar parts of speech and clauses of equal value e.g and, both……and, but, for, whereas, either…….or, neither…..nor

The boy and the girl hurried home

Both he and his wife went on holiday


2. Conjunctions which join main clauses to subordinate clauses. They are as follows

a. time conjunctions e.g after, before, since, until, till, when, whenever, while, now, that, as


After the lady opened the door, she switched on the light

Since I have known her, we have been firm friends


b. Place conjunctions e.g whence, where, wherever, whither


He looked back whence he had come 

Put it where he cannot see it


c. Cause or reason conjunctions e.g because, lest, since, as


We know he was to blame because we saw the accident

I was afraid lest he should fall


d. Concession conjunctions e.g although, even if, though, whether……or, while, as


Although I have written twice, he has not replied

I would not go even if I were invited


e. Condition conjunction e.g except that, if, unless,


Except that she is a trifle slow, she writes well

Send me word if you wish to go


f. Manner or degree conjunction e.g as, as……as, as if, as though, so………as, than


He remained at home as he had been ordered

The house is vacant as far as I know


g. Purpose conjunctions e.g in order that, lest, so that, that


they worked hard in order that they might finish in time

I sent him a letter so that he would know


h. Consequence conjunctions e.g so that, so…….that


the man spoke loudly so that he was easily heard

She is so dull that she can learn nothing

Pupils observe, learn and participate



The pupils are asked to

1. Explain the meaning of conjunctions

2. Differentiate between the two types of conjunction

3. List all the examples of conjunctions that join main clauses to subordinate clauses.

- Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer question  A-B on page 64 of the text-book and the whole of page 88 of the New first Aid in English by Angus Maciver

Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer questions C-B on page 64-65 of the reference text and the whole of page 89 of the New first Aid in English by Angus Maciver

Pupils participate



The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils


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