TERM: 2nd Term
SUBJECT: Grammar
AGE: 11 years
DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC : Concord
CONTENT : Concord
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of sentences indicating concord to arouse the interest of the pupils
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : The New first Aid in English by Angus Maciver page 77-79, flash cards and charts on concord
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Concord
1 | INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by Explaining what Concord is
Concord means agreement or harmony..
| Pupils observe, learn and participate |
2 | EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION/TEACHER MODELLING | The teacher further gives examples of concord
1. ‘is’ is used for singular subject(verb) For examples He is going She is going
2. ‘are’ is used for plural subjects(more than one) For example We are going They are going
3. ‘has’ is used for singular subjects Ben has a pen He has a bag He has a book
4. ‘have’ is used for plural subjects They have a big house Martha and Zenah have not come
5. Use have for ‘you’ or ‘I’ For example, You have not done it I have not done
6. Use singular verb with these words; each, anybody, somebody, neither, neither e.g Each boy is given a book Everyone is here
7. Always use plural verb with these words: both, all, many, some e.g All of them are coming
8. A singular subject with attached phrases introduced by ‘with’ or ‘like’ or ‘as well as’ is followed by a singular verb e.g a. the boy with several other, was late for school b. Alice like Rose is tall for her age c. Tom as well as Fred, rises early in the morning
9. When a verb has two singular subjects connected by ‘and’, the verb is plural e.g a. the cat and the dog were friends b. The farmer and his wife are jolly people | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
3 | EVALUATION | The pupils are asked to 1. Explain the meaning of concord 2. Give some examples of sentences with concord | - Pupils observe, learn and participate |
4 | CLASS-WORK | Pupils are asked to answer questions 1-15 on page 78-79 of The New First Aid in English by Angus Maciver | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
5 | ASSIGNMENT | Pupils are asked to answer questions 16-31 on page 79 of The New First Aid in English by Angus Maciver | Pupils participate |
6 | CONCLUSION | The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils |
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