Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 6

Parts of speech

TERM: 1st Term

SUBJECT: Grammar



AGE: 11 years

DURATION: 2 periods of 40 mins each


TOPIC: Parts of speech

CONTENT: Parts of speech

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Explain and identify all the parts of the speech
  2. Give examples of the parts of speech

SET INDUCTION: The teachers uses pictures of familiar objects with various parts of speech to arouse the interest of the pupils

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Discussion, group activities,

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Metropolitan English series English grammar for Basic Education Book 3 page 5-9, flash cards with the parts of speech and examples of each, The new first Aid in English by Angus Maciver(second edition) pg 1


PERIOD 1 AND 2: Parts of speech







The teacher revises the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by explaining what parts of speech means


Parts of speech is the grouping of words according to the functions they perform in a given sentence


Pupils observe, learn and participate



The teacher then explains all the parts of speech

1. Noun

It is a name of persons, animals, places or things

Persons- Ben, Richard, Joke, Peter

Animals- goat, hen, birds, gorilla

Places- zoo, library, church, Lagos, Abuja, Kenya, Nairobi, Soweto

Things- Books, tables, rulers etc

A. Proper nouns-they are the special names given to persons, pets, places, animals, things etc

Proper nouns

Persons-Richard, Ngozi, Savannah, Mary

Pets/animals- Bingo, Jackie, Richie, Sophie, Cuppy

Places-Abuja, Togo, Ghana, Lagos, Wonderland park, Kinderland Park, Shoprite etc

Days- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

NOTE: We use capital letters to begin proper nouns



B. Common Nouns- they are the general names to people, animals, places, things etc

Persons- boy, girl, man, woman, baby

Animals- snake, elephant, donkey, cow

Places- country, mosque, church, room

Things- laptop, pen

NOTE: We do not use capital letters to begin common nouns


C. Collective nouns

This is the name given to a group of people or given to things collectively

For example,

A class of scholars

A library of books

A bouquet of flowers

A flock of sheep


D. Abstract nouns

It refers to things which exist only as ideas and which are not physically real, they cannot be touched but felt e.g beauty, happiness, honesty etc


2. Pronouns

A pronoun is used in place of nouns e.g I, he, she, you, we, it, me us etc


3. Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe nouns e.g Kind, heavy, new, old, little, long, small, fat etc


4. Verbs

Verbs are doing words. A verb tells us what to do e.g Eat, look, play, sing, dance, cook, write etc


5. Adverbs

Adverbs are words used to talk more about the verb

For example-


sad- sadly

happy- happily

easy- easily


6. Conjunctions are words that we use to join two sentences to become one

e.g And, but, because, before, although etc


7. Preposition

Prepositions shows the relationship between two nouns e.g Under, in, on, over, inside, behind, beside, across etc


8. Interjection/Exclamation

An exclamation is a word we use to describe actions which happen unexpectedly, suddenly, happily, sadly or sorrowfully e.g oh! Ah! Eh! Oho! Lo!

Pupils observe, learn and participate



The pupils are asked to Explain each part of speech giving examples

- Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer questions A-C on page 7-8 of the text-book

Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer questions D-G on page 8-9 of the reference text.

Pupils participate



The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils


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