Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 5


Term: 2nd Term

Week: 9

Class: Primary 5

Age: 10 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods


Subject: National Values Education


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Define Communication
  2. Lists types of Electronic communication
  3. State uses of Electronic communication
  4. Explain problems of Electronic communication

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Chart showing the picture of a phone


PERIOD 1: Communication






The teacher revisits the previous lesson Wages and Income.

She Defines Communication as the process of exchanging information from one person to another. It usually involves two persons, that is the sander and the receiver.

Pupils pay attention



She Explains that Communication is not complete until there is a feedback, acknowledgement, or a response.

Types Of Communication

1. Traditional Method Of Communication- This involves the use of locally made materials such as gong, drum, town crier and burning fires. But these method were slow and not reliable.

2. The Modern method Of Communication-This Involves the use of electronic means of communication through electronic devices such as telephone, television, radio, computer, etc. These processes involves the use of e-mail, mass communication as well as print media.

G.S.M-means Global System Mobile

Pupils pay attention and participates



She Explains Electronic Communication as an exchange of information using electronic devices.


Examples Of Electronic Devices

1. Television    2.Radio    3. Mobile  phone  4. Email     5. Internet    6.Satelite     7. World wide web   8. Walkie talkie


Problems Of Electronic Communication In Nigeria

The reasons why electronic devices do not work properly are:

1. Wrong Installation

2. Inadequate maintenance

3. Inability to operate the device

4. Vandalization

5.  Weather

6. Poor Transmission

7. bad/poor Signal


Solutions To The Problems Of Electronic Communication

1. Adequate maintenance

2. Adequate power supply

3. Power Installation

4. Employment

Of quality operator

5. Government intervention to reduce cost of maintenance and subscription

6. Provide security for the Electric stations.

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils write the notes in their books



Communication is the process of exchanging information from one person to another. It usually involves two persons, that is the sander and the receiver.

Communication is not complete until there is a feedback, acknowledgement, or a response.


Types Of Communication

  1. Traditional Method Of Communication- This involves the use of locally made materials such as gong, drum, town crier and burning fires. But these method were slow and not reliable.


  1. The Modern method Of Communication-This Involves the use of electronic means of communication through electronic devices such as telephone, television, radio, computer, etc. These processes involve the use of e-mail, mass communication as well as print media.

G.S.M-means Global System Mobile


Electronic Communication is an exchange of information using electronic devices.


Examples Of Electronic Devices

  1. Television 2.Radio 3. Mobile  phone  4. Email     5. Internet    6.Satelite     7. World wide web   8. Walkie talkie


Problems Of Electronic Communication In Nigeria

The reasons why electronic devices do not work properly are:

  1. Wrong Installation
  2. Inadequate maintenance
  3. Inability to operate the device
  4. Vandalization
  5. Weather
  6. Poor Transmission
  7. bad/poor Signal


Solutions To The Problems Of Electronic Communication

  1. Adequate maintenance
  2. Adequate power supply
  3. Power Installation
  4. Employment Of quality operator
  5. Government intervention to reduce cost of maintenance and subscription
  6. Provide security for the Electric stations.


EVALUATION:    1. Define the Meaning of Communication

  1. Give 5 problems of communication and how to solve it

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively


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