TERM: 2nd Term
CLASS: Primary 5
AGE: 10 years
DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each
SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies
TOPIC: - Classes of insect pests
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Chart showing different types of stitches real objects e.g thread, pins, tape measure etc, pictures and chart of pests and crop diseases
PERIOD 1 and 2:
STEP 1 INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson on pests, disease and cleaning of cooking tools and equipment | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 2 EXPLANATION | She enumerates the various classes of pests according to their mouth parts and their examples Insect pest can be classified into three based on the nature of their mouth parts.
| Pupils pay attention |
STEP 3 DEMONSTRATION | The teacher explains the meaning of stitches Stitches mean movement of a threaded needle in sewing or in closing a wound : a portion of thread left after one such movement
She outlines the types of stitches and gives examples
1. TEMPORARY STITCHES: Even tacking. Uneven tacking. Diagonal tacking. Tailor's tacking.
2. PERMANENT STITCHES Running stitch Backstitch Overcast stitch Over hand stitch Whipping
3. DECORATIVE STITCHES Cross stitches Loop stitches Chain stitches
| Pupils pay attention |
STEP 4 NOTE TAKING | The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note | Pupils copy the note |
Classes of pests according to their mouth parts and their examples
Insect pest can be classified into three based on the nature of their mouth parts.
* Boring insect pest e.g stem borers, bean beetles and weevils
Stitches mean movement of a threaded needle in sewing or in closing a wound: a portion of thread left after one such movement
She outlines the types of stitches and gives examples
Even tacking.
Uneven tacking.
Diagonal tacking.
Tailor's tacking.
Running stitch Backstitch
Overcast stitch
Over hand stitch
Cross stitches
Loop stitches
Chain stitches
EVALUATION: 1. State the classes of insect pests based on their mouth parts and give two examples of each
CLASSWORK: As in evaluation
CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books
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