Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 5

Problems of parenthood + Leadership functions + Security tips in the school

Term: 1st Term

Week: 7

Class: Primary 5

Age: 10 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods


Subject: National Values Education

Topic:-Problems of parenthood

Leadership functions

Security tips in the school

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Define STDS/HIV/AIDS
  2. List types of STDS
  3. Identify effects of STD/HIV/AIDS
  4. Describe responsible sexual behavior
  5. Outline different function of a Leader
  6. Explain different Levels of Leadership
  7. Tell why Information is important
  8. Mention some Security tips in the school.

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Chart showing Meaning of STDS/HIV/AIDS, Chart showing security tips

PERIOD 1: Problems of parenthood







The teacher revises the previous lesson on Responsible Parenthood

She Define STDs as Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

STIs- Sexually Transmitted Infections.

She Explains that these diseases are passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

Pupils pay attention



She Explains the Types Of STDs/STIs

1. Gonorrhea

2. Syphilis

3. HIV/Aids

HIV -Human Immune deficiency Virus causes AIDs and interferes with the body ability to fight infections. This Virus destroys part of the white blood cell


AIDs – Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome. It is the final life threatening stage of HIV infection


 Sources Of HIV/AIDS Infection

HIV/AIDs can be contracted by:

1. Sexual Intercourse

2. Exchange of body- piercing objects.

3. Blood Transfusion

4. Contact with blood or wounded person with HIV/AIDs.


Things To Note

1. AIDs cannot be contacted from food, water, handshake, toilet, furniture or telephone.

2. There is no cure yet for AIDs

3. The best way to prevent it is not to have sexual Intercourse outside marriage.

Pupils pay attention and participates



Effects Of STDs, HIV/AIDs On The Family

1. Marriage Failure

2. Reduction in family income

3. Stigma from members of the community

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils write the notes in their books



STDs is Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

STIs- Sexually Transmitted Infections.

These diseases are passed from one person to another through sexuall contact.


Types Of STDs/STIs

  1. Gonorrhea
  2. Syphilis
  3. HIV/Aids

HIV -Human Immune deficiency Virus causes AIDs and interferes with the body ability to fight infections. This Virus destroys part of the white blood cell


AIDs – Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome. It is the final life threatening stage of HIV infection


Sources Of HIV/AIDS Infection

HIV/AIDs can be contracted by:

  1. Sexual Intercourse
  2. Exchange of body- piercing objects.
  3. Blood Transfusion
  4. Contact with blood or wounded person with HIV/AIDs.


Things To Note:

  1. AIDs cannot be contacted from food, water, handshake, toilet, furniture or telephone.
  2. There is no cure yet for AIDs
  3. The best way to prevent it is not to have sexual Intercourse outside marriage.


Effects Of STDs, HIV/AIDs On The Family

  1. Marriage Failure
  2. Reduction in family income
  3. Stigma from members of the community


EVALUATION:    1. State the Full Meaning of STDs, HIV AND AIDS

  1. State 3 effects of STDs

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively


PERIOD 2 and 3: Leadership functions

Security tips in the school






The teacher revisits the previous lesson on a good leader.

She Defines a Leader as someone who guides or directs others.

Pupils pay attention



She Explains that a Leader is someone who is honest, truthful and set good examples,

She explains that there are different kinds of leaders in our school, religious organization and government.


Type Of Leader

1. Traditional Rulers- They guide people according to the ways of customs and tradition. E.g king. They come into power through appointment or inheritance.


2. Elected Leader- These are  leaders selected by a vote for an office or membership. E.g President, governor, chairman. They are chosen by Election.


3. Military Leaders- These are leaders that guides and direct the affair of the army, navy and airforce. They are chosen according to seniority in the army.


4. Religious Leader- These are leaders of different religious bodies such as Christianity, Islamic religion, traditional religion. They are chosen based on training.


5. Appointed Leaders- They are chosen leaders because they have some training for leadership e.g headmaster, company directors.


Functions Of A Leader

1. A Leader set goals to be achieved

2. A Leader organizes the group of people into a task which they can perform effectively.

3. A Leader should be able to motivate his followers to achieve a purpose

4. A Leader must be able to cooperate with people

5. A Leader must be able to set policy/laws that govern the people his leading.

Pupils pay attention and participates



She gives some Security Tips In School.

1. School compound should be fenced and gated.

2. There should be security personnel stationed at the gate

3. Clearance should be given to any visitor before entering the school premises

4. Pupils should be trained on security related subject.

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books



A Leader is someone who guides or directs others.

A Leader is someone who is honest, truthful and set good examples, there are different kinds of leaders in our school, religious organization and government.


Types Of Leader

  1. Traditional Rulers- They guide people according to the ways of customs and tradition. E.g king. They come into power through appointment or inheritance.


  1. Elected Leader- These are leaders selected by a vote for an office or membership. E.g President, governor, chairman. They are chosen by Election.


  1. Military Leaders- This are leaders that guides and direct the affair of the army, navy and airforce. They are chosen according to seniority in the army.


  1. Religious Leader- These are leaders of different religious bodies such as Christianity, Islamic religion, traditional religion. They are chosen based on training.


  1. Appointed Leaders- They are chosen leaders because they have some training for leadership e.g headmaster, companies directors.


Functions Of A Leader

  1. A Leader set goals to be achieved
  2. A Leader organizes the group of people into a task which they can perform effectively.
  3. A Leader should be able to motivate his followers to achieve a purpose
  4. A Leader must be able to cooperate with people
  5. A Leader must be able to set policy/laws that govern the people his leading.


Security Tips In School.

  1. School compound should be fenced and gated.
  2. There should be security personnel stationed at the gate
  3. Clearance should be given to any visitor before entering the school premises
  4. Pupils should be trained on security related subject


EVALUATION:    1. List and Explain 3 types of Leader

  1. Give 3 function of a leader
  2. List 3 Security tips in School


CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in small groups List the Functions of a Leader

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

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