Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 4

Common farm tools + How to prepare starch

TERM: 3rd Term


CLASS: Primary 4

AGE: 9 years

DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each

SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies

TOPIC:       -        Common farm tools

                   -        How to prepare starch

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Identify farm tools
  2. Draw some common farm tools
  3. Demonstrate the use of farm tools
  4. List materials used in preparing starch
  5. Prepare starch and apply it to clothes

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Charts display of simple farm tools, cold water/hot water, starch, clothing materials

PERIOD 1 and 2:






The teacher revises the previous lesson on laundry agents, tools and equipments

Pupils pay attention



She explains the term the basic farm tools

Basic farm tools are tools we use in carrying out farm activities such as clearing the grasses, gathering the grasses etc 


She then lists the basic farm tools

1. cutlass

2. rake

3. hoe

4. axe

5. Garden fork

6. watering can

7. shovel

8. basket

9. head pan

10. wheel barrow etc

Pupils pay attention



She outlines the materials used in preparing starch

1. starch

2. water


Methods of preparing starch

1. boil water

2. mix the starch

3. add the starch in a bowl of water

4. put in the clothing material to be starched in it and hang on the clothing line

Pupils pay attention



The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note

Pupils copy the note



Farm tools

Basic farm tools are tools we use in carrying out farm activities such as clearing the grasses, gathering the grasses etc  

Basic farm tools

  1. cutlass
  2. rake
  3. hoe
  4. axe
  5. Garden fork
  6. watering can
  7. shovel
  8. basket
  9. head pan
  10. wheel barrow etc


Materials used in preparing starch

  1. starch
  2. water


Methods of preparing starch

  1. boil water
  2. mix the starch
  3. add the starch in a bowl of water
  4. put in the clothing material to be starched in it and hang on the clothing line

EVALUATION:    1. Explain the meaning of simple farm tools

  1. Give six examples of simple farm tools
  2. What materials are used in preparing starch?
  3. Outline the procedures for preparing starch and applying it on clothing materials

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in small groups, prepare starch and apply it on designated clothing materials

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books

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