TERM: 2nd Term
SUBJECT: Grammar
AGE: 9 years
DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC : Capital letters
CONTENT : Capital letters
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of words and sentences indicating capital letters to arouse the interest of the pupils
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Metropolitan English series English grammar for Basic Education Book 3 page 87-88, flash cards, sentence strips and charts on the use of capital letters
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Capital letters
1 | INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
2 | EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION/TEACHER MODELLING | The teacher further gives examples the use of capital letters 1. to begin every sentence e.g The boy is crying 2. for names of people, pets and for initials e.g Jackie, Martha, Mercy, Bingo 3. for names of places, rivers and mountains e.g River Benue, Mount Everest 4. For the days of the week and the months of the year e.g Monday, September, June, 5. for the names of books e.g Old Roger, Frog Prince, Sherlock Holmes 6. For the letter I e.g I am coming I picked it up 7. to begin addresses e.g No 7 Richardson street, Guinea Bisau | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
3 | EVALUATION | The pupils are asked to 1. State the uses of capital letters | - Pupils observe, learn and participate |
4 | CLASS-WORK | Pupils are asked to answer question A-B on page 87-88 of the text-book | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
5 | ASSIGNMENT | Pupils are asked to answer questions C-D on page 88 of the reference text. | Pupils participate |
6 | CONCLUSION | The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils |
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