AGE: 9 years
DURATION: 3 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC: Sound patterns ar, ai and ay
CONTENT: Sound patterns ar, ai and ay
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
ENTRY BEHAVIOR: Pupils can identify that all the vowels have both short and long sounds
SET INDUCTION: The teachers uses the ‘My ear hurts I was in pain’ song to arouse the pupils interest
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Objects with the ‘ar’, ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ sound, chart showing objects with the ‘ar’, ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ sound, white board, dry erase marker, word web,
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Spelling, reading and sorting words with the ‘ar’ sound
1 | INTRODUCTION | - Asks the pupils what they know about vowels
-Writes an r-controlled word on the board specifically the one that has the vowel ‘a’ preceding it Card And asks the pupils to pronounce it aloud and state their observations
- Explains that when r comes after any vowel in this case ‘a’, we cannot hear the vowel sound because the ‘r’ takes over making the ‘r’a bossy ‘r’ | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
2 | TEACHER MODELLING/EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS | - Makes a list of words containing ‘ar’ and ask the pupils the pronounce them aloud repeatedly ar far scar star hard yard jar bark dark harm | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
3 | GUIDED PRACTICE | - Asks the pupils to join the word pieces and write the word on the line 1. st + ar _______ 2. c + ar _______ 3. h + ar + p ________ 4. c + ar + d _________ | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
4 | INDEPENDENT WORKING TIME | -Gives the pupils exercises on words with the ‘ar’ sound Complete the sentences below using the words in the bracket (burglar, vinegar, sugar, separate, marble, carpet, cigar, depart, carve, orchard) 1. I used two spoonfuls of _______ to sweeten my tea 2. The wealthy man smoked a fat ______ 3. What time do you hope to ______ from here? 4. Dad was angry when Rita spilled the paint on the ______ 5. My brother asked if he could _____ the picture on the door 6. The _____ was soon arrested by the police 7. We sprinkled _____ over our fish and chips 8. Lots of apricot trees grow in the ______ 9. The statue has been carved from a piece of white ______ 10. It took us a long time to ______ the fighting boys | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
5 | EVALUATION | - Monitors the pupils as they work and corrects where necessary |
PERIOD 3: Spelling, reading and sorting words with the ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ sound
1 | INTRODUCTION | - With a mirror or a partner, She pronounces the ‘a’ sound repeatedly. Emphasizing that the long ‘a’ sound takes the form of the letter name ‘a’
- Writes a list of words on the board and asks the pupils to help identify the ones with the long ‘a’ sound which she underlines Stick made run cat rain slow may like fun eight stay tube they fan spot run spade
- The pupils are grouped into pairs and asked to come up with a list of words with the long ‘a’ sound
-Then the teacher comes up with a T-chart of some letter combinations of the long ‘a’ sound ai ay rain ray aim play bait bay chain clay claim hurray fail tray | Pupils listen, observe and participate |
2 | SPELLING GENERALISATIONS | - Explains that the ‘ai’ represents the Long ‘a’ sound in the middle of a word while the ‘ay’ sound represents the Long ‘a’ sound at the end of a word ayai holiday mail nay paid stray sail spray snail x-ray trail
| Pupils listen, observe and participate |
3 | GUIDED PRACTICE | - Dictates the following words for the pupils to write in their note books 1. rainbow 2. daisy 3. holiday 4. remain 5. straight 6. faithful 7. bait 8. container | Pupils listen, observe and participate |
4 | INDEPENDENT WORKING TIME | - Gives the pupils the below exercise to work on independently Link the words in the bracket with the correct words listed below (play, rainbow, daisy, container, tray, holiday, quail, faithful, remain, bait, hurray, straight) 1. bottle _______ 2. dog _______ 3. fishing ______ 4. cheer ______ 5. bent ______ 6. bird ______ 7. platter _______ 8. petal ______ 9. sport ______ 10. spectrum ______ 11. beach _______ 12. stay ______ | Pupils listen, observe and participate |
5 | EVALUATION | - Monitors the pupils as they work and corrects where necessary |
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