TERM: 2nd Term
SUBJECT: Grammar
AGE: 9 years
DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC : Word formation and vocabulary development
CONTENT : Compound words
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of sentences indicating compound word formation to arouse the interest of the pupils
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Flash cards and charts on compound word formation, the New first Aid in English by Angus Maciver pg 74
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Compound word formation
1 | INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson
| Pupils observe, learn and participate |
2 | EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION/TEACHER MODELLING | The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining both primary and compound words Primary words are words in their simplest form e.g table, board, egg. Compound words is when two primary words are combined to form one word e.g tablecloth, blackboard, eggcup Examples of compound words include 1. Closed-Form Compound Word Closed compound words are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word e.g snowball, mailbox, inside, upstream, download etc
2. Open Compound Word Open compound words are formed when two words remain separate on the page but are used together to create a new idea with a specific meaning e.g girls guide, ice cream, hot dog, post office, full moon etc
3. Hyphenated Compound Word Hyphenated compound words are formed when two separate words are joined together by a hyphen e.g long-term, check-in, mother-in-law, over-the-counter etc
| Pupils observe, learn and participate |
3 | EVALUATION | The pupils are asked to 1. explain the meaning of a. primary word b. compound word 2. give three examples each of a. primary words b. compound words 3. what are the three types of compound words? Give three examples of each
| - Pupils observe, learn and participate |
4 | CLASS-WORK | Form compound words from the following 1. ache 2. guard 3. boot 4. cart 5. church 6. clot 7. coal 8. craft 9. cry 10. milk 11. heart 12. man 13. lamp 14. life 15. house 16. light 17. master 18. mat 19. post 20. pond The New First Aid in English by Angus Maciver page 75 No 1-3 | Pupils observe, learn and participate |
5 | ASSIGNMENT | The New First Aid in English by Angus Maciver page 75 No 4-7 | Pupils participate |
6 | CONCLUSION | The teacher marks their books, corrects it and commend the pupils |
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