Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 4

Livestock production + Knitting and crocheting

TERM: 1st Term


CLASS: Primary 4

AGE: 9 years

DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each

SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies

TOPIC:       -        Livestock production

  • Knitting and crocheting

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Explain the meaning of livestock production
  2. Give examples of animals that can be reared and explain reasons for rearing them
  3. Explain the meaning of knitting and crocheting
  4. Mention tools for knitting and crocheting
  5. List articles that could be made from knitting and crocheting

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: knitting pins, wools, baby sweaters, etc, charts/pictures of livestock production


PERIOD 1 and 2:






The teacher revises the previous lesson on crop production and simple sewing tools

Pupils pay attention



She explains the meaning of Livestock production


Livestock farming is simply the management and breeding of domestic, livestock or farm animals for the purpose of obtaining their meat and products (milk, eggs, leather, etc.).


She justify the reasons for rearing domestic animals

Farm animals are reared for the following purposes. They are reared for

1. food

2. work

3. clothing

4. security and protection

5. sport and recreation

6. fertilizer

7. medicine

8. raw materials 

9. livestock feed

Pupils pay attention



She explains the meaning of Knitting and crocheting


Knitting is the production of fabric by employing a continuous yarn or set of yarns to form a series of interlocking loops


Crocheting is the needlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle


She outlines materials used for knitting and crocheting.

1. Crocheting Hook.

2. Yarn.

3.Scissors or Yarn Snippers.

4. Stitch Markers.

5. Tape Measure or Ruler.

6. Darning Needle

7. Tapestry Needle. ...

8. Stitch Markers. ...

9. Stitch Holders. ...


She lists articles that could be made by crocheting and knitting

1. infinity scarves

2. beanie hats

3. baby sweaters

4. crochet flowers

5. cell phone cases


Pupils pay attention



The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note

Pupils copy the note



Livestock production

Livestock farming is simply the management and breeding of domestic, livestock or farm animals for the purpose of obtaining their meat and products (milk, eggs, leather, etc.).


Farm animals are reared for the following purposes. They are reared for

  1. food
  2. work
  3. clothing
  4. security and protection
  5. sport and recreation
  6. fertilizer
  7. medicine
  8. raw materials
  9. livestock feed


Knitting and crocheting

Knitting is the production of fabric by employing a continuous yarn or set of yarns to form a series of interlocking loops

Crocheting is the needlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle


Materials used for knitting and crocheting

  1. Crocheting Hook.
  2. Yarn.
  3. Scissors or Yarn Snippers.
  1. Stitch Markers.
  2. Tape Measure or Ruler.
  3. Darning Needle
  4. Tapestry Needle. 
  5. Stitch Markers. 
  6. Stitch Holders. 


Articles that could be made by crocheting and knitting

  1. infinity scarves
  2. beanie hats
  3. baby sweaters
  4. crochet flowers
  5. cell phone cases

EVALUATION:    1. Explain the meaning of livestock production

  1. Discuss three reasons for livestock production
  2. Enumerate four examples of domestic animals
  3. Explain the meaning of Knitting and crocheting
  4. List four examples of materials used in knitting and crocheting
  5. Enumerate the articles that could be made from knitting and crocheting

CLASS ACTIVITY I: The pupils carry out chicken rearing at the school farm.

CLASS ACTIVITY II: Pupils, in small groups, knit and crochet cell phone cases

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books

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