Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3

Positions and directions

TERM: 3rd Term


CLASS: Primary 3

AGE: 8 years

DURATION: 5 periods of 40 minutes each


SUBJECT: Mathematics

TOPIC: Positions and directions

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  1. Follow directions from one place to another using a grid.
  2. Read, interpret and draw informal maps.
  3. Find objects on maps.
  4. Follow directions from one place to another on an informal map.

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Explanation, question and answer, demonstration, practical, assessments

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Blindfolds, Map of your school (top view), counters. (You need to get the copy of your school map at the office.

They will have a map diagram of the school for safety purposes in the office. Make a copy that you can give to learners or draw on the board for them to copy.) videos from source-

PERIOD 1: Position and direction






The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations


1. __ + 10 = 19 

2. __ + 10 = 20 

3. __ + 10 = 10 

4. __ + 10 = 15 

5. __ + 10 = 13  

6. __ – 10 = 9

7. __ – 10 = 0

8. __ – 10 = 3

9. __ – 10 = 10

10. __ – 10 = 1

Pupils respond and participate




The teacher

 Takes the class outside for this activity.

• Lets the learners stand in a line next to one another on the field. Ask them to face you.

• Tells them:

−− Take 5 steps forward and then stop.

−− Remain facing forward; take 3 steps to the left.

−− Take 7 steps backwards and stop.

−− Sit down where you are.

−− All the boys stand up and take 10 steps forwards and 4 steps to the left. Sit down.

−− The girls stand up and take 9 steps forwards, 4 steps to the left and 1 step forward. Sit down.

• Asks them: What have you noticed? (We are in a line again)

• Explains to the class that following these instructions is like following instructions to make a path in a grid – this leads into the classwork activity. They need to understand how to move up/down; right/left.

• Goes back into class for the remainder of the lesson



The teacher

Go back into the classroom for this activity.


* Draw a grid on the board before the lesson to save time. Indicate a starting point (dark block) and show how to

make the path on the grid: Move 5 blocks up, 3 to the right, 7 blocks down and 6 to the left. Where are you? (grey block with spots)


The teacher

Does this as part of Activity 1 if there is time.

• Learners get into pairs. One of the pair has to be blindfolded.

• The other one moves to somewhere within hearing distance on the field.

• Start giving your friend directions to get back to where you are.

• Learners swop blindfolds and repeat the exercise.

Pupils pay attention and participate



1. Use the grids to colour the paths. Use a new grid for each question.

a) Start at the black block. Go 3 blocks up. Go 4 blocks right. Go 2 blocks up. Go 6 blocks left.

Go 2 blocks down. Draw a face in the block where you stopped.

b) Start at the black block. Go 2 blocks left. Go 9 blocks up. Go 6 blocks right. Go 4 blocks down.

Draw a star in the block where you stopped.

c) Start at the black block. Go 5 blocks right. Go 5 blocks up. Go 5 blocks left. Go 4 blocks up.

Draw a circle in the block where you stopped.

Pupils attempt their class work



The frog is in Row 2 Column 2. It moves three blocks down, then two blocks to the right, three blocks up and two blocks to the left. Draw the path the frog takes. Where does it end up?




The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to Follow directions from one place to another using a grid.


She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively




PERIOD 2: Position and direction - maps






The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations

Answer the following

1. What is 1 more than 544?  

2. What is 1 less than 552?

3. What is 2 more than 526?

4. What is 2 less than 541?  

5. What is 3 more than 439?  

6. What is 3 less than 387?

7. What is 4 more than 517?

8. What is 4 less than 539?

9. What is 10 more than 539?

10. What is 10 less than 409?

Pupils respond and participate




The teacher

 Gives each pair a map (top view) of the school, discuss it and ask the following questions:

 Which way should we hold the map?

Where is our classroom? How do we know this?

If we look out of the door, whose class is on our left hand side?

If we look out of the door whose class is on our right hand side?

What is across from our class?

What is behind our class?

Where is the office?

What is opposite the office?

Where are the toilets?

Show me the Gr 3 classrooms.

Show me the sports fields.

Where is the school gate?

• Discusses: Why can we call a map a ‘top view’? (A map shows the layout as it would be seen from above.)




The teacher

• Continues using the map of the school for the next few questions which you will discuss in the class as a whole:

If you walk out of your classroom, which way will you turn to go to the toilet and how will you get there?

(Various answers, e.g. turn left then walk ... then turn left again.)

If you are playing on the field at break and the bell goes, which way will you turn to come back to class?

(Various answers)



Learners must mark the following on their maps – discuss it with them while they do it.

Colour the office brown, the classrooms red, the Grade R/1 classrooms yellow, the sports facilities/field orange and the trees green.

Draw a green line to show how you would walk from the gate to our class.

Draw a red line to show how you would walk from our class to the toilet.

Draw a purple line to show how you would walk from the toilet to the sports fields.

Pupils pay attention and participate



1. Draw a little map of your classroom and show the following:

a) Where you are sitting.

b) Label the picture using the words: left-hand side, right-hand side, behind.

c) Who is sitting behind you.

d) Who is sitting on your left- and right-hand sides.

2. Explain how you would walk from your seat to the classroom door. Use words like, turn left, turn right,

and go straight.

Pupils attempt their class work



When you are at home:

1. Which way do you turn from your room to go to the kitchen?

2. Which way do you turn from your room to go to the bathroom?

3. Explain how you would walk from the front door to the bathroom. Use words like, turn left, turn right, and

go straight.




The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to Find objects on maps and Follow directions from one place to another on an informal map.


She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively



PERIOD 3: Map work






The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations


1. 15 – __ = 9

2. 11 – __ = 1

3. 19 – __ = 5

4. 13 – __ = 4

5. 12 – __ = 0

6. 19 – __ = 13

7. 18 – __ = 7

8. 20 – __ = 12

9. 14 – __ = 3

10. 15 – __ = 15

Pupils respond and participate




The teacher

Shows learners the map by referring to the classwork activity. Discusses questions and answers related to the map.

What kind of map is this? (A road map)

What will we use this map for? (To find a shop or a house)

Why are there traffic lights in at specific places on the map? (There are main roads crossing one another)

• Writes numbers on the houses.

• Asks the learners to show you a place on the map where they can draw a school. (Check each child’s space

quickly to ensure that the site chosen is appropriate, e.g. not on a main road.)

• Asks: Why is this a good place for a school?

• Asks the learners to draw a school on that selected spot. Remind them to keep the drawing small so that it fits in the space that they have chosen.

• Now asks the learners to find spaces on the map in which to draw the following: a library, a clinic and a

post office.



The teacher

Learners work in pairs using the same maps used in Activity 1 above.

Each learner decides which house on the map is his/hers and colours it in yellow.

• Then tells the learners: Using your own map, take turns to describe the directions to the following places to

your partners:

−− From your house to the school

−− From the library to your house

−− From school to the clinic

−− From the clinic to the shopping centre.

Pupils pay attention and participate



1. Draw one more traffic light on your map. Explain why you drew it there.

2. Draw your own road map in your book and show the following on your map:

a) Traffic lights b) School

c) Hospital d) Police station

e) Anything else you may find on a map (a river, sports fields, etc.).

Pupils attempt their class work



Use the table to fill in the blanks.

1. The bus stop is to the _____ _____ the school.

2. The _____ is to the left below of the shop.

3. The clinic is to the _____ of the school.

4. The _____ and the _____ are to the right of the clinic.

5. If mum drove from the clinic to the school, in which direction would she be driving? _____




The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to Analyse data from representations provided and Draw at least one pictograph with one-to-one correspondence.


She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively



PERIOD 4: Map work






The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations


1. 15 – __ = 9

2. 11 – __ = 1

3. 19 – __ = 5

4. 13 – __ = 4

5. 12 – __ = 0

6. 19 – __ = 13

7. 18 – __ = 7

8. 20 – __ = 12

9. 14 – __ = 3

10. 15 – __ = 15

Pupils respond and participate




The teacher

Shows learners the map by referring to the classwork activity. Discusses questions and answers related to the map.

What kind of map is this? (A road map)

What will we use this map for? (To find a shop or a house)

Why are there traffic lights in at specific places on the map? (There are main roads crossing one another)

• Writes numbers on the houses.

• Asks the learners to show you a place on the map where they can draw a school. (Check each child’s space

quickly to ensure that the site chosen is appropriate, e.g. not on a main road.)

• Asks: Why is this a good place for a school?

• Asks the learners to draw a school on that selected spot. Remind them to keep the drawing small so that it fits in the space that they have chosen.

• Now asks the learners to find spaces on the map in which to draw the following: a library, a clinic and a

post office.



The teacher

Learners work in pairs using the same maps used in Activity 1 above.

Each learner decides which house on the map is his/hers and colours it in yellow.

• Then tells the learners: Using your own map, take turns to describe the directions to the following places to

your partners:

−− From your house to the school

−− From the library to your house

−− From school to the clinic

−− From the clinic to the shopping centre.

Pupils pay attention and participate



1. Draw one more traffic light on your map. Explain why you drew it there.

2. Draw your own road map in your book and show the following on your map:

a) Traffic lights b) School

c) Hospital d) Police station

e) Anything else you may find on a map (a river, sports fields, etc.).

Pupils attempt their class work



Use the table to fill in the blanks.

1. The bus stop is to the _____ _____ the school.

2. The _____ is to the left below of the shop.

3. The clinic is to the _____ of the school.

4. The _____ and the _____ are to the right of the clinic.

5. If mum drove from the clinic to the school, in which direction would she be driving? _____




The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to Analyse data from representations provided and Draw at least one pictograph with one-to-one correspondence.


She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively



PERIOD 5: Weekly Test/consolidations

TEACHER’S ACTIVITY: The teacher revises all the concepts treated from period 1-4 and gives the pupils follow through exercises, quiz and tests. She marks the exercises, makes corrections and commends the pupils positively.


PUPIL’S ACTIVITY: The pupils work on the worksheets and exercises given by the teacher individually



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