Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3

Meaning and characteristics of plants + Tool Bar + Swimming

Class: Primary 3

Term: 3rd Term

Week: 1

Class: Primary 3

Age: 8 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods


Subject: Basic Science and Technology

Topic: Meaning and characteristics of plants

  • Tool Bar
  • Swimming

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Say the meaning of plant
  2. Identify and classify plants
  3. Describe the characteristics of plants
  4. Identify various tools on the tool bar and state their functions
  5. Explain the meaning of swimming
  6. Mention and demonstrate the basic skills in swimming

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source, experimentation

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: specimen of plants(vegetables, grasses etc), Fruits(mangoes, bananas, apples etc), swimming pool, floater, tube/rubber, swimming trunk, swimming cap, swimming goggle, life jack


PERIOD 1: Meaning and characteristics of plants







The revisits the previous lesson on living things and leads the pupils on a walk within the school compound to collect some samples of common plants


Pupils pay attention



The teacher then explains that plants are living things that grow in the soil.

She states some examples of plants- grasses, flowers, tomatoes, bushes etc


She further explains the classes of plants

1. Vascular plants: The vascular plants are those plants that have specialized cells for conducting water and sap within their tissues, including the ferns, horsetails, flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms

2. Non vascular plants: Nonvascular plants are 'lower' plants because they are lower to the ground. Also, nonvascular plants are simple and small in size, such as moss and liverworts. They do not have roots, stems, and leaves, nor do they have a system of tubes to move nutrients.


Pupils pay attention and participates



She explains and demonstrates the characteristics of plants

1. they make their own food in a process called photosynthesis

2. they are rooted in a place but respond to external stimuli by moving their parts

3. Plants grow and die

4. Plants support life

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books



Plants are living things that grow in the soil.

Some examples of plants- grasses, flowers, tomatoes, bushes etc

Classes of plants

  1. Vascular plants: The vascular plants are those plants that have specialized cells for conducting water and sap within their tissues, including the ferns, horsetails, flowering plants, conifers and other gymnosperms
  2. Non vascular plants: Nonvascular plants are 'lower' plants because they are lower to the ground. Also, nonvascular plants are simple and small in size, such as moss and liverworts. They do not have roots, stems, and leaves, nor do they have a system of tubes to move nutrients.


Characteristics of plants

  1. they make their own food in a process called photosynthesis
  2. they are rooted in a place but respond to external stimuli by moving their parts
  3. Plants grow and die
  4. Plants support life

EVALUATION:    1. What are plants?

  1. Give four examples of plants
  2. Mention and explain the classes of plants
  3. Outline 3 characteristics of plants

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in small groups discuss the characteristics of plants

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

PERIOD 2 and 3: Tool bar. Swimming  






The teacher revisits the previous lesson on launching of Microsoft word and introduces the new topic on tool bar- Tool bar is a set of icons that are part of a computer’s software program or an open window.

Microsoft Word has toolbars which allows you to open, save and print documents


Pupils pay attention



The teacher then mentions and explains the tool bar icons we can find in Microsoft Word

1. Standard tool bar- it is directly below the Menu bar, it contains buttons used for performing tasks similar to the commands available in the Menu bar. Tools in the standard toolbar include New, Open, Save, E-mail etc

2. Formatting toolbar: it offers shortcut buttons to help format a document quickly. Tools in the formatting toolbar include Font, Font Color, Alignment, Line Spacing, Bullets and Numbering, etc

3. Drawing toolbar: it holds buttons/tools used in creating drawings, such as rectangles, ovals, lines, arrows, WordArt text, etc. It also offers tools for inserting organizational charts and ready-made pictures and Clip Arts from their different locations.

Pupils pay attention and participates



She explains and demonstrates meaning and basic skills in swimming


Swimming is the movement of the body in the water using the arms and legs to stay afloat


Basic skills in swimming

1. breaststroke

2. freestyle

3. Backstroke

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books




Tool bar is a set of icons that are part of a computer’s software program or an open window.

Microsoft Word has toolbars which allows you to open, save and print documents

Toolbar icons we can find in Microsoft Word

  1. Standard tool bar- it is directly below the Menu bar, it contains buttons used for performing tasks similar to the commands available in the Menu bar. Tools in the standard toolbar include New, Open, Save, E-mail etc
  2. Formatting toolbar: it offers shortcut buttons to help format a document quickly. Tools in the formatting toolbar include Font, Font Color, Alignment, Line Spacing, Bullets and Numbering, etc
  3. Drawing toolbar: it holds buttons/tools used in creating drawings, such as

rectangles, ovals, lines, arrows, WordArt text, etc. It also offers tools for

inserting organizational charts and ready-made pictures and Clip Arts from

their different locations



Swimming is the movement of the body in the water using the arms and legs to stay afloat


Basic skills in swimming

  1. breaststroke
  2. freestyle
  3. Backstroke

EVALUATION:    1. What is toolbar?

  1. Enumerate the three types of toolbar and give two examples of each
  2. Mention and explain the functions of three input device
  3. What is Swimming?
  4. Mention the basic skills in swimming

CLASS ACTIVITY: Each learner demonstrates the basic skills in swimming as showcased in the video clip

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

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