TERM: 2nd Term
CLASS: Primary 3
AGE: 8 years
DURATION: 5 periods of 40 minutes each
SUBJECT: Mathematics
TOPIC: Geometric patterns
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
predictable way.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Explanation, question and answer, demonstration, practical, assessments
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Plastic spoons, matchsticks, etc. (bring objects from home), learner’s stationery or books(objects to use to make patterns), Shape cut-outs, videos from source-
PERIOD 1: Geometric patterns around us
STEP 1 MENTAL MATHS | The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations Calculate 1 3 × 10 = 2 9 × 10 = 3 0 × 10 = 4 8 × 10 = 5 4 × 10 = 6 2 × 10 = 7 10 × 10 = 8 5 × 10 = 9 7 × 10 = 10 6 × 10 = | Pupils respond and participate |
STEP 2 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT | The teacher • Gives each group some matchsticks. • Asks them to use matchsticks to make a pattern with identical groups, where each group has only one kind of object but the position of the object in a group changes. Identical groups are repeated. E.g. • Uses the cups to make a pattern by using one shape or object, but having the position of the shape or object change in a regular way. E.g. • Use spoons to make a pattern by making groups which grow in size. E.g. CLASS ACTIVITY In this activity learners should use their stationery to create patterns. • Asks them to duplicate the patterns that they did in Activity 1 using their stationery. For example they can use pens/pencils to create patterns: Identical groups are repeated. E.g. Mixed groups are repeated. E.g. The positions of the items changes. E.g. The number of items changes. E.g. • Allows them to discuss the pattern in their groups. Each group gets a chance to show and describe their patterns in words to the rest of the class. • Asks the learners to be judges. They are now going to choose the best pattern from all the groups. They also have to explain why they chose that specific pattern. | Pupils pay attention and participate |
STEP 3 CLASS-WORK | 1 Draw the pattern that your group made with the cups. 2 Describe the pattern. 3 Draw the pattern that your group made with the spoons. 4 Describe your pattern. 5 Design your own pattern, using triangles. 6 Describe the pattern. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 4 HOME-WORK | Design a colourful and beautiful pattern. a You may use any shapes and colours. b Remember to extend the pattern you started with. c You may use more than one pattern in your design. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 5 SUMMARY | The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to create patterns using shapes.
She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively |
PERIOD 2 : Creating geometric patterns
STEP 1 MENTAL MATHS | The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations Calculate 1 400 2 500 3 150 4 250 5 550 6 250 7 100 8 450 9 800 10 200 | Pupils respond and participate |
STEP 2 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT | The teacher * Draws the patterns on the board in preparation for this lesson.
CLASS ACTIVITY The teacher Use the shape cut-outs. Learners should each make a pattern using some of the cut-out shapes on their desks. • Groups discuss each of the patterns together – explain how the pattern grows. Some group members can present their pattern to the whole class (depending on how much time is available). | Pupils pay attention and participate |
STEP 3 CLASS-WORK | NOTE: In this activity learners must also be able to explain the way in which their patterns grow. This is an important part of the activity as it gives learners the opportunity to develop their use of mathematical language. 1 Draw a geometric pattern and describe your pattern: a Use triangles. b Use squares. c Use circles. 2 Draw a geometric pattern using triangles, squares and circles. 3 Describe your pattern. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 4 HOME-WORK | 1 Draw a geometric pattern and describe it. a Use rectangles. b Use triangles and circles. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 5 SUMMARY | The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to describe and create patterns that involve change in colour, shape and size.
She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively |
PERIOD 3: Exploring Geometric patterns
STEP 1 MENTAL MATHS | The teacher begins the lesson with some mental calculations Calculate If I count in 50s, give me the number before 1 400 2 50 3 150 4 250 5 550 6 250 7 100 8 450 9 500 10 200 | Pupils respond and participate |
STEP 2 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT | The teacher • Draws the patterns given in the table below on your board before the lesson starts. You will need to refer to these drawings when you explain the different kinds of patterns. You don’t have to write the explanations – you will talk about these. • Uses the table below, which provides three different types of patterns, to teach learners how to - Identify - Describe - Extend and - Develop their own patterns. CLASS ACTIVITY The teacher Instructs the learners: Make your own pattern with a different shape and your own colours. Describe the pattern. What will the next three shapes look like? Draw them. For example: Describe the pattern. (A square with a circle inside. The circle is at the top left, top right, bottom right.) What will the next three shapes look like? (The circle will be at the bottom left, then top left, then top right.) Draw them. | Pupils pay attention and participate |
STEP 3 CLASS-WORK | 2 Use any of these shapes to make two different patterns. Describe your patterns. You don’t have to use all the shapes in your two patterns. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 4 HOME-WORK | 1 Design and draw your own pattern using circles, squares and triangles. 2 Describe the pattern. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 5 SUMMARY | The teacher summarizes by reminding the pupils how to extend and develop patterns.
She marks their class works, makes corrections where necessary and commends them positively |
PERIOD 4: Assessments
STEP 1 ORAL ASSESSMENTS | The teacher asks questions on geometric patterns | Pupils respond and participate |
STEP 2 DISCUSSION | The teacher discusses all the methods used by some learners in the oral assessments(some of the questions are solved on the board by the learners) and addresses any misconceptions that may have risen | Pupils pay attention and participate |
STEP 3 WRITTEN ASSESSMENTS | 1. Draw the next shape in this pattern: 2 Draw and extend a pattern in which the sizes of the shapes increase. Learners’ answers will vary.
3 Make your own pattern using circles and squares.
4 Use three squares to draw a pattern. The size of the squares need to change in a regular way. | Pupils attempt their class work |
STEP 4 SUMMARY | The teacher marks the written assessments, corrects were necessary and commends the pupils |
PERIOD 5: Weekly Test/consolidations
TEACHER’S ACTIVITY: The teacher revises all the concepts treated from period 1-4 and gives the pupils follow through exercises, quiz and tests . She marks the exercises, makes corrections and commends the pupils positively.
PUPIL’S ACTIVITY: The pupils work on the worksheets and exercises given by the teacher individually
1 Extend the following pattern:
4 Create a pattern with 3 squares. The squares should decrease in size.
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