Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3

Meaning of water, foods that give water, sources and importance of water + Effects of sharing unsterilized hair tools

TERM: 2nd Term


CLASS: Primary 3

AGE: 8 years

DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each

SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies

TOPIC:       -        Meaning of water, foods that give water, sources and   importance of water

-        Effects of sharing unsterilized hair tools

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1) Explain the meaning of water

2) List foods that give water

3) State the sources of water

4) Describe the importance of water

5) Explain the effects of sharing unsterilized hair tools

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Audio visual resources, pictures and chart showing sources of water and uses of water, picture illustrations of the effects of sharing unsterilized hair tools


PERIOD 1 and 2:






The teacher revises the previous lesson mineral foods and care of the hair

Pupils pay attention



She introduces the new topic by

Explaining the meaning of water


Water is a colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid we take into our body


she lists some foods we can get water from

1. apples

2. water melon

3. cucumber

4. peaches

5. lettuce

6. tomatoes

7. celery

8. water cress

9. broth

10. zuchini


She lists the sources of water

1. well

2. water bodies e.g stream, seas, oceans etc

3. spring

4. rain

5. tap/borehole


She explains the importance of water


1. it aids digestion

2. it regulates the body temperature

3. it helps in the production of saliva

4. it helps to pass out waste easily

5.it helps to fight off illness

6. it improves the look of the skin

Pupils pay attention



She explains the dangers of sharing unsterilized hair tools

1. contacting HIV/AIDs

2. the hair can be infected with lice, ringworm, etc

Pupils pay attention



The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note

Pupils copy the note



Water is a colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid we take into our body

Foods we can get water from

  1. apples
  2. water melon
  3. cucumber
  4. peaches
  5. lettuce
  6. tomatoes
  7. celery
  8. water cress
  9. broth
  10. zucchini


Sources of water

  1. well
  2. water bodies e.g stream, seas, oceans etc
  3. spring
  4. rain
  5. tap/borehole


Importance of water

  1. it aids digestion
  2. it regulates the body temperature
  3. it helps in the production of saliva
  4. it helps to pass out waste easily
  5. it helps to fight off illness
  1. it improves the look of the skin


Dangers of sharing unsterilized hair tools

  1. contacting HIV/AIDs
  2. the hair can be infected with lice, ringworm, etc

EVALUATION:    1. Explain the meaning of water

  1. Give three examples of foods we can get water from
  2. list three sources of water
  3. Explain three importance of water
  4. What are the dangers of sharing unsterilized hair tools and equipment?

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books

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