Meaning, names and uses of oily and fatty foods + Different types of food in the locality, functions and ways of using each foodstuff in food
TERM: 1st Term
CLASS: Primary 3
AGE: 8 years
DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each
SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies
TOPIC: - Meaning, names and uses of oily and fatty foods
- Different types of food in the locality, functions and ways of using each foodstuff in food
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
1) Explain the meaning, names and uses of oily and fatty foods
2) List the types of food in our locality, their functions and ways of using them
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Audio visual resources, pictures and chart of oily and fatty foods, real oily and fatty foods e.g butter, margarine, coconut oil, sunflower, soya oil etc, charts showing the different types, functions and ways of using each foodstuff in food
PERIOD 1 and 2:
STEP 1 INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson on vegetable crops and the production of homemade cleaning agents | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 2 EXPLANATION | She introduces the new topic by Explaining the meaning, names and uses of oily and fatty foods
Oily and fatty foods are foods that contain a lot of oils and fats
She lists the examples of oily and fatty foods 1. butter 2. margarine 3. palm oil 4. coconut oil 5. avocado 6. soya bean
Uses of oily and fatty foods 1. for cooking 2. for baking 3. for the production of soaps 4. for the production of drugs | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 3 DEMONSTRATION | She reviews the topic on foods found in our locality | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 4 NOTE TAKING | The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note | Pupils copy the note |
Oily and fatty foods are foods that contain a lot of oils and fats
Examples of oily and fatty foods
Uses of oily and fatty foods
EVALUATION: 1. Explain the meaning of oily and fatty foods
CLASSWORK: As in evaluation
CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books
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