Classification of vegetable crops + Articles for cleaning the house, production of some cleaning agents
TERM: 1st Term
CLASS: Primary 3
AGE: 8 years
DURATION: 40 minutes of 2 periods each
SUBJECT: Prevocational Studies
TOPIC: - Classification of vegetable crops
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
1) Explain the classes of vegetable crops
2) State the steps for producing some cleaning agents
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Audio visual resources, pictures and chart of vegetables, real vegetables-tomatoes, potato, onions, asparagus etc, charts showing articles used in cleaning the house
PERIOD 1 and 2:
STEP 1 INTRODUCTION | The teacher revises the previous lesson on vegetable crops and the production of homemade cleaning agents | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 2 EXPLANATION | She introduces the new topic by Explaining the classes of vegetable crops
1. leafy vegetables- wild lettuce, kale, pumpkin etc 2. fruit vegetables- onions, tomato, okra, pepper, carrots etc | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 3 DEMONSTRATION | She highlights the steps in producing homemade cleaning agents
1. Pour hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and add a few drops of essential oil or lemon to add a scent, if desired.
2. Spray the hydrogen peroxide on your surface and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.
3. Store the bottle as long as needed, but keep it away from light, which can reduce its effectiveness. | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 4 NOTE TAKING | The teacher writes on the board while the pupils copy the note | Pupils copy the note |
Classes of vegetable crops
Steps in producing homemade cleaning agents
EVALUATION: 1. Explain the classes of vegetable crops
CLASSWORK: As in evaluation
CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books
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