Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 3


Term: 1st Term

Week: 3

Class: Primary 3

Age: 8 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 2 periods


Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Topic: Staging

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. Explain what it means to stage a play/drama
  2. State the steps to laying ground work for a successful play staging

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source, experimentation

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: posters and charts of a stage drama, CCA textbooks


PERIOD 1 and 2






The teacher revisits the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by explaining what staging means- Staging is the method of presenting a play or other dramatic performance


Pupils pay attention



The teacher then further explains what a stage is- a stage is a raised platform where a play/drama/performance happens


Pupils pay attention and participates



She further explains and demonstrates the steps in the successful staging of a play/drama

1. Design or find a script

2. Get a director

3. Secure funding or sponsors for the play

4. Find a venue for the play

5. Set an audition for each of the roles and pick the best actors and actresses for it

6. Hire or get crew members e.g costumier, make-up, sound technicians, choreographers etc

7. Select casts for the play

8. Rehearse

9. Get props, sets and costumes in place

10. have a full blown rehearsal of the performance of the play

11. Advertise and promote the play

Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books



Staging is the method of presenting a play or other dramatic performance

A stage is a raised platform where a play/drama/performance happens


Steps in the successful staging of a play/drama

  1. Design or find a script
  2. Get a director
  3. Secure funding or sponsors for the play
  4. Find a venue for the play
  5. Set an audition for each of the roles and pick the best actors and actresses for it
  6. Hire or get crew members e.g costumier, make-up, sound technicians, choreographers etc
  7. Select casts for the play
  8. Rehearse
  9. Get props, sets and costumes in place
  10. have a full-blown rehearsal of the performance of the play
  11. Advertise and promote the play


EVALUATION:    1. What does staging mean?

  1. Define the term ‘stage’
  2. What are the necessary steps in the production of a stage play?          

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in small groups, discuss the steps in producing a stage play

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

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