SUBJECT: Phonics
TERM: 1st Term
AGE: 8 years
DURATION: 3 periods of 40 mins each
TOPIC: Consonant blends
CONTENT: Consonant blends
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
ENTRY BEHAVIOR: Pupils can identify alphabet letters
SET INDUCTION: The teachers uses pictures of familiar objects with consonant blends to arouse the pupils’ interest
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Discussion, group activities,
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Two set of index cards with the beginning consonant blends written on them, a few images(vocabulary cards) or objects of things that begin with the some consonant blends(block, clock, plane, glue)
PERIOD 1 AND 2: Identification, sounding and spelling words beginning with consonant blends
1 | Introduction | -Displays one of the consonant blends objects or images - Writes the name of the object on the board and underline the consonant blend Tr-iangle - Explains that today’s learning will be about words that contain consonant blends | The pupils identifies the object and say its name aloud |
2 | Building academic Language | - Reviews the sound L, R, M, N, C, P and W by writing a lowercase and uppercase on the board. C L M N P R W c l m n p r w Says the sound loud
- Explains that they’ll be learning how to identify and read words that contain consonant blends This means that both letters are consonant
- Writes a word that begin with a consonant blends on the board and models how to segment the word into parts(consonant blends and the remaining letters) Tr-iangle | The pupils repeat the sound after the teachers
-The pupils practice reading and blending the segmented words along with the teacher |
3 | Sentence | - Writes the following blends(pr, scr, sp, sc, sk, st) on the board and practices reading each blends and think of words that begin with them pr e.g pr-une scr e.g scr-ap sp e.g sp-in sc e.g sc-ion sk e.g sk-y st e.g st-ick -Models how to record the word and draw quick pictures of them
| Pupils listen, observe and participate |
4 | Discourse | -Pairs up the pupils and pass out one of the pre-written index cards and two pieces of blank paper to each pair
- as pupils to work together to write and draw as many words that begin with consonant blends as possible
- brings the class together and have them share out the new words they came up with | Pupils listen, observe and participate |
5 | Evaluation | - Gives the pupils exercises to work on All of the words in the bracket begin with a blending of two consonants. Write each word beside its meaning below (Clam, dragon, freckle, grape, breakfast, crayon, flour, planet) 1. fire-breathing monster __________ 2. writing stick ________ 3. First meal of the day ________ 4. Shellfish _________ 5. body that circles the sun ________ 6. a Fruit _________ 7. a spot on the skin ________ 8. Food made from wheat ________ - Monitors and corrects the pupils where necessary |
PERIOD 3: Identification, sounding and spelling words beginning with consonant blends
1 | REVISITING THE PREVIOUS LESSONS | - Revisits the previous lesson on consonant blends
| - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
2 | GUIDED PRACTICE | - Makes a list of more words containing consonant blends and ask the pupils to pronounce them aloud repeatedly pr e.g pr-im scr e.g scr-am sp e.g sp-an sc e.g sc-one sk e.g sk-i st e.g st-ank sp e.g sp-ine | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
3 | INDEPENDENT WORKING TIME | - Gives the pupils exercises on consonant blends Add a consonant blend from the bracket to each, word fragment below to create a word that matches the meaning in brackets (pr, scr, sp, sc, sk, sn) 1. ____der(eight-legged creature) 2. ____eam(to yell loudly) 3. ____une(dried plum) 4. ____ooze(to sleep) 5. ____inny(not fat) 6. ____one(type of small bun) | - Pupils listen, observe and participate |
4 | EVALUATION | - Monitors the pupils as they work and corrects where necessary |
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