Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 2

Verbs II

TERM: 2nd Term

SUBJECT: Grammar



AGE: 7 years

DURATION : 2 periods of 40 mins each


TOPIC : Verbs II

CONTENT : Verbs(doing words)

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Explain what verbs are
  2. Explain the tenses of verbs and give examples of each
  3. Discuss the forms of verbs and examples of each form

SET INDUCTION : The teachers uses pictures of sentences indicating verbs to arouse the interest of the pupils

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES : Discussion, group activities,

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS : Metropolitan English series English grammar for Basic Education Book 3 page 47-57, flash cards and charts on verbs









The teacher revises the previous lesson and introduces the new topic by Explaining what Verbs are

Verbs are doing words. A verb tells us what to do. 

Examples of verbs are Eat, look, play, sing, dance, cook, write etc


Pupils observe, learn and participate



The teacher further explains that verbs have tenses to show the time at which an action takes place


a. present tense- when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly e.g I go,


b. Present continuous tense means that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. E.g I am going, I am talking, I am eating, he is sitting, she is crying etc


c. Past tense means shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. E.g went, talked, ate, sat, wrote, cried, ran, drew, worked, waited, fell etc


d. Past continuous tense- describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and were still going on when another event occurred e.g I was going, we were cooking, etc


e. The future tense- the form of a verb that expresses what will happen after the present e.g I shall/will go, We shall sail, etc


f. The present perfect tense- the form of a verb that expresses an action done in a time period up to the present. It is formed in English with the present tense of 'have' and the 'past participle' of the verb e.g I have gone


g. The past perfect tense- the form of a verb that is used to show that an action had already finished when another action happened e.g I had gone


h. The future perfect tense- a verb tense used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the future e.g I would have gone


She further explains that verbs could either be in a regular or irregular form

1. Regular verbs- these are the verbs that make their past and perfect tenses by adding ‘d’ or ‘ed’


Present     Past       Past participle

Play          played    played

Cook        cooked   cooked

Like          liked       liked

Talk          talked     talked

Call          called      called

Point        Pointed   Pointed


2. Irregular verbs- these are verbs that make their past and perfect tenses by changing the vowels

Present    Past       Past participle

Am           was        been

Arise        arose      arisen

Awake      awoke    awaken

Beat         beat        beaten

Begin       began     begun

Bite          bit           bitten

Bleed       bled        bled

Blow        blew        blown

Choose   chose      chosen

Come      came       come

Do           did           done

Draw        drew       drawn

Drink        drank      drunk

Eat           ate           eaten

Fall          fell            fallen etc


Those that don’t change their form include

 Rid       rid         rid

Cast      cast      cast

Cut        cut        cut

Put        put        put

Shut      shut      shut

Cost      cost      cost

Hurt       hurt      hurt

Pupils observe, learn and participate



The pupils are asked to

1. Explain the meaning of verbs

2. Explain the following giving one examples of each

a. present tense

b. present continuous tense

c. past tense

d. past continuous tense

e. future tense

f. present perfect tense

g. the past perfect tense

h. the future perfect tense

3. Differentiate between the regular and irregular tenses using examples


- Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer question  A-C on page 53-54 of the text-book

Pupils observe, learn and participate



Pupils are asked to answer questions D-E on page 54-55 of the reference text.

Pupils participate



The teacher marks their books, corrects it and

commend the pupils


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