Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 2

Clay soil + Setting up a computer + Basketball

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 3

Class: Primary 2

Age: 7 years

Duration: 40 minutes of 3 periods


Subject: Basic Science and Technology

Topic:-       Clay Soil

  • Setting up a computer system
  • Basketball

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  1. State the properties of Clay soil
  2. Demonstrate the water holding capacity of the different types of soil
  3. Describe the term workstation and execute the procedures in setting up a workstation
  4. Mention and demonstrate the safety rules in basketball


INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration, videos from source

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: samples of garden soil, sample of clay soil, head pan, shovel, container, hand lens etc, water, basketball court, balls, canvas, kneel cap, back board, sock/hose, basket net


PERIOD 1: Clay soil






The teacher revisits the previous lesson on properties of loamy soil

Pupils pay attention



The teacher then explains the properties of clay soil

1. Clay has the smallest particle size of any soil type

2. Because of the small particle size of clay soils, the structure of clay-heavy soil tends to be very dense. The particles typically bond together, creating a mass of clay that can be hard for plant roots to penetrate

3. Because the soil particles are small and close together, it takes water much longer to move through clay soil

Pupils pay attention and participates



The teacher further demonstrates these properties by showing the pupils live examples


Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books



Properties of clay soil

  1. Clay has the smallest particle size of any soil type
  2. Because of the small particle size of clay soils, the structure of clay-heavy soil tends to be very dense. The particles typically bond together, creating a mass of clay that can be hard for plant roots to penetrate
  3. Because the soil particles are small and close together, it takes water much longer to move through clay soil


EVALUATION:    1. What are the properties of clay soil?

CLASS ACTIVITY: Pupils in pairs demonstrates the properties of clay soil using a live example.

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively


PERIOD 2 and 3: Setting up of a computer. Basketball






The teacher revisits the previous lesson and introduces the new topic and making the pupils to formulate the meaning of basketball by watching video clips on basketball


Pupils pay attention



The teacher then explains that Basketball is a game played by two teams of five players each shooting a ball through a raised goal in order to score


She further demonstrates the safety rules in basketball

1. know the rules of the game and observe them

2. ensure that the basketball court isn’t wet or slippery

3. Wear the appropriate attire i.e jersey, kneel cap,  stockings/hose/socks, canvas, etc

4. Inform someone if you feel sick or are wounded

5. have a little warm up exercise before commencing any basketball game

6. obey the officials of the game


Pupils pay attention and participates



The teacher explains what workstation means

It is an area devoted for the use of computer and the activities it is used for.


The further outlines the procedures for setting up a workstation

1. Carve out a space, room or office set aside as your workstation

2. Ensure there is a source of power in the space or room

3. Get appropriate tables, chairs and shelves to place your computer hardware components

4. purchase the computer components and connect them

5. your computer is now ready for use


Pupils pay attention and participate



The teacher writes a short note on the board

The pupils copy the note in their books




Basketball is a game played by two teams of five players each shooting a ball through a raised goal in order to score


Safety rules in basketball

  1. know the rules of the game and observe them
  2. ensure that the basketball court isn’t wet or slippery
  3. Wear the appropriate attire i.e jersey, kneel cap, stockings/hose/socks, canvas, etc
  4. Inform someone if you feel sick or are wounded
  5. have a little warm up exercise before commencing any basketball game
  6. obey the officials of the game



It is an area devoted for the use of computer and the activities it is used for.


Procedures for setting up a workstation

  1. Carve out a space, room or office set aside as your workstation
  2. Ensure there is a source of power in the space or room
  3. Get appropriate tables, chairs and shelves to place your computer hardware components
  4. purchase the computer components and connect them
  5. your computer is now ready for use


EVALUATION:    1. Explain the game of basketball

  1. Mention four safety rules in basketball
  2. Explain the meaning of workstation
  3. Outline the procedures for setting up a workstation

CLASS ACTIVITY: In pairs, the pupils experiment the procedures of setting up a workstation

CLASSWORK: As in evaluation

CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively

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