TERM: 2nd Term
CLASS: Nursery 1
DURATION: 40 minutes
SUBJECT: Health Habits
TOPIC: Care of the eyes I
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: AT the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
1)Give simple meaning for care of the eyes
2)Give reasons of caring for the eyes
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES: Identification, explanation, playway method, questions and answers, demonstration
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Pictures/charts of people caring for their eyes
STEP 1 Introduction of the topic | The teacher introduces the topic with a song on care of the eyes | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 2 Explanation | She explains that care of the eyes is the act of keeping the eyes clean. She mentions reasons for care of the eyes such as: to keep the eyes clean, to prevent the eyes from getting damaged, to see clearly | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 3 Demonstration | She shows the pupils pictures/charts of people caring for the eyes | Pupils pay attention |
STEP 4 NOTE TAKING | The teacher writes a short note on the board | The pupils write the notes in their books |
Care of the eye is keeping the eyes clean. We care for the eyes so it doesn’t get damaged and to continue seeing clearly.
EVALUATION: 1)____ is the act of keeping the eyes clean. (care of eyes, care of nose)
2) We care for the eyes so we can see clearly. Yes/ No
CLASSWORK: As in evaluation
CONCLUSION: The teacher commends the pupils positively and marks their books
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