Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Nursery 1

Oral counting and identification of 0 - 110

Subject: Numeracy

Term: 2nd Term

Week: 5

Class:       Nursery 1

Age: 4 years

Duration:  5 periods of 35 minutes each                                                           


Topic:        Oral Counting/ Identification of 0 – 110

Content:   Identification, writing and number endings 9 – 80, more or less, volume, counting on set 1 – 15, height

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

  1. Count number 1- 110 and number endings 9 - 80
  2. Count in numbers in sets
  3. Identify more or less volume
  4. Identify height

Instructional Materials: Counters, flash cards 

Instructional Techniques: Explanation, demonstration, repetition, questions and answers 

Entry Behaviour:  The teacher arouse them with number rhymes

Instructional procedure

Periods I, II and III: Counting of numbers, 110 ending numbers 9 – 80, counting in set 1-15


Teacher’s Activities 

Pupils Activities


With the aid of a chart the teacher counts numbers 1-11- repeatedly 

The pupils respond after her


She writes out the numbers on the board and count

The pupils repeat after her


 She teaches number endings 9 – 80

9 – 10                  49 – 50

19  - 20                59 – 60

29 – 30                69 – 70

39 – 40                79 – 80

Pupils identify number ending 9 – 80


She counts in set to 15 as thus:

Pupils identify numbers in set


  1. Count number 1 – 110
  2. Write number endings 9 – 80
  3. Count in sets


Conclusion: She corrects and marks their book

Periods IV and V: More or less volume, Height 


Teacher’s Activities 

Pupils Activities


The teacher reviews the previous lesson and introduced the new one  

The pupils pay attention 


She tells them that height is how tall or short something is growing


Pupils identify tall and short object


The pupil identity more and less objects (Volume). She tells them that it is the quantity of an object

E.g: Cup,  plate, bucket, etc

Container: She give example

Pupils identify volume


Evaluation: Pupils do more work in height and volume.

Conclusion: She marks and corrects their books

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