Subject: Numeracy
Term: 1st Term
Week: 3
Class: Nursery 1
Age: 4 years
Duration: 5 periods of 35 minutes each Date:
Topic: Oral Counting/ Identification of 0 – 30
Content: Writing 0 – 10, Number values 1 – 10, counting with carrot, matching object 1 – 10, filling in the missing numbers 1 – 10.
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
Instructional Materials: Number chart, carrot chart, flash cards
Instructional Techniques: Play way method, repetition, explanation, questions and answers
Entry Behaviour: The pupils can count 1 – 20 Set Induction: The teacher uses this song to arouse their interest. Carrot is a kind of fruit, sweet like sugar, orange in colour, everybody like carrot, carrot.
Instructional procedure
Periods I: Oral counting, Identification of 0-30. Writing 0 – 10
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupils Activities |
1 | The teacher uses carrot chart and count 1 – 30 repeatedly | The pupils repeat after her |
2. | She writes the numbers on the board and counts repeatedly 1, 2, 3, 4, …… 30 | The pupils count |
3. | The teacher displays the carrot number chart and allows the pupils to count | The pupils identify |
Evaluation: The teacher evaluates the lesson by asking the following questions:
Conclusion: The teacher corrects and commends them positively
Periods II and III: Number Value
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupils Activities |
1 | The teacher revises counting of number 1 - 30 | The pupils repeat after her |
2 | The teacher draws objects on the board, count and write the number values. | The pupils participate |
Evaluation: The teacher asks the following questions
Conclusion: She corrects and commend them positively
Periods IV and V: Matching numbers with objects, filling in the missing numbers
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupils Activities |
1 | The teacher revises oral counting and number values | The pupils listen |
2 | The teacher draws objects on the board as she counts and match them to their correct numbers She writes numbers 1 – 10 on the board with some numbers missing as this: 1 ______ 3 ________ 5 ________ 7 ________ 9 _________ She fill the missing number as she counts from 1. | The pupils respond |
Evaluation: The teacher asks the following questions
Conclusion: The teacher corrects and commends them positively
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