Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 2

GRAPHICS (Introduction to CorelDraw)









TOPIC: GRAPHICS (Introduction to CorelDraw)

Definition of Graphics

Computer Graphics are graphics created using computer and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer.


Examples of Graphics Packages

  • Paint
  • CorelDraw
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Harvard graphics
  • Print Master
  • Ventura
  • Photoshop Pro
  • Adobe Page Maker


Features of CorelDraw or CorelDraw Environment 

Title Bar

The title bar displays the name of the CorelDraw file on which you are working. It is also used to reposition the CorelDraw window on the screen.


Menu Bar

There are 11 pull down menus in the menu bar. All menu commands are found in these pull down menus.



Rulers serve as a positioning and sizing aid. They can be turned off optionally. In addition, you can drag guidelines off the rulers to serve as drawing aids.


Scroll Bars

The scroll bars allow you to shift the page horizontally and vertically.


Drawing Windows

The large white portion of the screen is the drawing windows. The rectangle with the drop shadow is the printable page.

Roll-up Window

The Transform (Position) roll-up is shown on the left. Although they are not permanent part of the interface (they can be if you want). You can use them to control many of CorelDraw’s operations. Their beauty lies in the fact that they can remain active for playing quick “what-ifs” without going through the longer process of invoking a standard menu dialog box.


Status Bar

Status bar shows the fill pattern, outline location, movement and absolute coordinates of selected object.


Colour Palette

The colour palette allows for the quick application of a colored fill or outline colour. Selecting the scrollbar at the bottom of the palette opens an expanded color palette.


Page Counter

CorelDraw allows you to create drawings consisting of multiple pages. The total number of pages is displayed in the page counter box along with arrows that allow you to page forward or back in your document.


Standard Toolbar

Toolbar provides quick access to commonly used features. Almost all of these can be accessed through the Menu Bar. CorelDraw provides a series of different toolbars for your use. Additionally, toolbar are completely customizable. You can add buttons to invoke just about any command that you regularly use.


NOTE: There are keyboard shortcuts that are often faster that toolbar usage. Once memorized, you won’t need to waste precious time with a Toolbar button.

Ctrl + S = Save; Ctrl + P=Print; Ctrl + Z=Undo; Ctrl + X = Cut; Ctrl + C =Copy; Ctrl + V= Paste



  1. Differentiate between a standard toolbar and status bar
  2. What is a page counter?


General Evaluation:

  1. Give four examples of graphic package.
  2. Mention four features a graphic package.


Reading Assignment

Senior Secondary Education by HiiT Plc. Pages 149-153


Weekend Assignment


Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

  1. ___ software is used for representation and manipulation of image data by a computer.(a) graphics (b) presentation    (c)  spreadsheet    (d) word processor
  2. Which of these is not a graphic software? (a) Tally (b) Adobe Fireworks (c)  Print Artist (d) Instant Artist
  3. ___ is used to display the name of the program and the user file(a) Title Bar (b) Status Bar(c) Scroll Bar (d) Printable Page
  4. ___ portion will print all the objects that are required to be printed(a) printable page (b) drawing window (c) canvas (d) text area
  5. ___ bar provides  quick access to  commonly used features (a) standard tool (b) title (c) status (d) scroll



1    What is a graphic software?

  1. Explain two features of a CorelDraw

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