Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 2

Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words






  1. Montgomery et al: Effective English for S.S 2 (Main Textbook) Evans PublishersIbadan.
  2. Ogunsanwo et al: Countdown to SSCE Evans Publishers Ibadan.
  3. Onuigbo S.M: Oral English for Schools and Colleges Africana  Publishers,Enugu. 
  4. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary    
  5. WAEC Past Questions.





  • Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words 
  • Essay writing: Story Writing 
  • Comprehension: Reading for the Writer’s Purpose 
  • Vocabulary Development: A Manufacturing Industry
  • Speech Work: Stress Placement on Two or More Syllable Words 


CONTENT: Identification and Examples.

In this lesson, we will explain the morphophonemic approach at identifying a stressed syllable. In this approach, stress placement is determined as a result of the occurrence and arrangement of vowels (short, long, diphthongs) and consonants in syllables. 



A    (i) For two syllable words, Simple Adjectives, Adverbs and Prepositions,

Stress the first syllable when the second syllable contains a short vowel and one or a final consonant. E.g. ENter, ENvy, Open, Equal.

However, a two syllable verb that ends in the diphthong (әu) is     stressed on the first syllable for example FOllow, BOrrow.

(ii) Stress the second syllable if it contains a long vowel or     diphthong and ends with more than one consonant. E.g.    withDRAW, inVITE, conTACT, aLIVE.

    iii)Three syllabled verbs

If the last syllable contains a long vowel, diphthong or     more than our consonant stress it. If the last syllable     contains a short vowel or not more one consonant     stress the second syllable e.g. resuRRECT, enterTAIN,     enCOUNTER, deTERmine

B    (i)Nouns of two syllables

Stress the first syllable if the second syllable contains a short vowel otherwise stress the second e.g. MOney, PROduct, LArynx, eSTATE, balLOON, deSIGN.

(ii)Nouns of three syllables

If the last syllable contains a short vowel or the diphthong /әu/, it receives no stress. If the middle syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or ends with more than one consonant, that middle syllable is stressed e.g. poTAto, diSASter, boNANza, syNOPsis, diSASter, apPOINTment.

If the last syllable contains a short vowel and contains not more than one consonant, stress the first syllable e.g. QUANtity, EXercise, CUStody, SCHOlarship, EMperor, CInema.



Identify three guidelines for identifying a stressed syllable.



Read Court Hearing page 10                                                                                  



  • Essay Writing: Story Writing


Content: Definitions, Outline 


A story is a description of events and people that a writer or speaker has invented in order to advocate or entertain. Examples include love story, detective story, adventure, science fiction story e.t.c. 


There are two types of story writing  that are tested by WAEC and NECO: 

  1. A story that is meant to illustrate a particular saying e.g. Write a story to illustrate the saying: As one makes one’s bed, so one must lie on it. WASSCE June 2006.


  1. A story which must be ended with a particular expression e.g. Tell a story the ends with the advice “Cut your coat according to your cloth” WASSCE June 1988


Basic Features

  1. A story must have a heading, which should be written in capital letters. The given expression in the question should not be used as heading.


  1. A story must have an introductory paragraph, which serves as the beginning of the story.


  1. The body of the story should contain at least three well developed paragraphs which should show the complication (i.e. how events got to their highest height of intensity) 
  2. The concluding paragraph serves as the resolution or dénouement. In this paragraph, one ends the story by resolving all complicated issues that were raised in the preceding paragraphs 

Sample question: Write a story which illustrates the saying:  The early bird catches the worm.

    Paragraph 1    -    Introduction.  The protagonist, his, birth, background, 

community assignment.

Paragraph 2    -    His religious life.

    Paragraph 3    -    He, as usual, though mocked, is the first to get to the library 

after a new set of books were delivered to the library by UNESCO.  He borrowed the most relevant ones.

Paragraph 4    -    When project topics were assigned, the books made his work easy.

Paragraph 5    -    He was awarded a first class in computer science and being 

faithful to hand in his academic gown, he was given the address of a telecommunications company who came for recruitment.

Paragraph 6    -    Conclusion – Today, he is the MD of Bright Telecom Company.



Read p.87 main text. (Effective English)



Read Countdown, page 247 – 248

  • Comprehension: Reading for The Writer’s Purpose
  • Vocabulary Development: A Manufacturing Industry pg. 155, Countdown English



The passage is about a manufacturing industry bakery specifically, and how bread is made. It explains the process using some bakery terminologies or jargons. 



Read the passage on page 155 of Countdown English and answer the questions on it. 



Pg 155, Countdown English 



  1. Identify three basic features of story writing. 
  2. Mention three guidelines while stressing words of two or more syllables. 



Answer question 1 - 6 concluding section unit 9, Effective English.


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