Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 1

Speech Work: Words of two syllables which are stressed on the first or second syllables.







Structures: Prefixes and Negation

Suffixes of Pluralization and tenses

Speech Work:  Words of two syllables which are stressed on the first or second syllables.

Essay Writing: story writing- A story which illustrates the saying .”it is a man’s world “/


A: Prefixes and Negation of Pluralization and Tenses.

  1. Prefixes     Meaning            Examples

  extra                outside            extraordinary, extra marital

  ex                  out of            ex- official

  inter                between/among    inter marry, inter city

 trans                across            trans Atlantic,  Transpose, Transact

 post                after            postgraduate, post natal,

 pre                before            pre-history, pre-natal

 super                above            super human, super natural, natural,

 sub                below            substandard

 ab                away from        abduct, aborigines,

 unn                bringing together     annual

 ante                year            antenatal

 anti                before            anti social, anti clockwise.

 Arch                against         archbishop, architect

Negation Suffixes are less,


Childless, fatherless, motherless , heartless, odourless, penniless, useless,  

pluralization  suffixes e.g ies, es,

babies, flies, cases, boxes, 

Tense Suffixes  e.g ‘en’, ‘ze’  . strengthen, deafen brighten, smoothen, widen  


Practicalize, mobilize



Write 2 examples for each of the following suffixes: less, ‘ze’, ‘es’, ‘en’.



Complete English Course page 420 – 423


  1. Speech Work:  Words of two Syllables which are stressed on the first or second syllable.


Words of two syllables Stressed on first syllable

Words of two syllables stressed on the second syllable.

First Syllable.

The following words of two syllables are stressed on the first syllable 


BAsic                    SOLemn

CREDit                COLLar

CHRIStian                 CERtain

FORtune                Period

HATred                HAMlet

CAPtain                VICtor

STUpid                MANsion.

Exceptions to the above rule


1.When a two-syllable word contains a prefix, the primary stress is on the second syllable.

Here are some word examples:

  1. begin             (6) enGAGE
  2. between             (7)inspire
  3. beFORE                                          (8) Enough
  4. inFORM                                        (9) include
  5. aWAY                                          (10) desPITE


  1. When a two – syllable could double as a noun and a verb, the first syllable takes stress whjen it is noun and the second when it is a verb. E.g.


  1. CONtent                             (5) conTENT
  2. CONsent                            (6) conSENT
  3. IMport                              (7) imPORT
  4. REform                              (8) reFORM.



Stress the following words of two syllables.

Constract,remit, betray, arrange, baggar, hundred, primer.



Syllables and stress pag 23, standard speech 10, book , diction in English Course.


  1. Essay Writing 

A story which illustrates the saying – “It is a man’s World”



Writing  of the  story 

A story writing requires imagination.  The story must follow the order in which the events took place,g radually moving the reader to the climax of your story.

The tile, it’s a man’s world, should have a story which revolves round men taking over in every area of life.  You can talk of  a man in particular who exhibited the nature of men or with the help of other men excelled in life.

It is also usual in a narrative to use the simple past tense very frequently since the account, relates to past events, e.g. ‘he wrote’, ‘they thought’, ‘we were shocked’.

Be careful with your choice of tenses in this king of writing . See how appropriate the tenses are in the following sentences.

  1. We were sleeping when the robbers broke  into the house
  2. When we arrived  at the stadium, the match  had gone on  for twenty minutes



Narrate a story on the topic, ‘It’s a man’s world”



Countdown WASSCE,/SSCE English Language by EVAns pg 5-7



Choose the right option

  1. He would never do anything improper. He is an ………. Reputable man

  (a) Emphatically   (b) enormously     (c) eminently

  1. They were ………. Influenced by the words of the traditional ruler 

   (a) Intensely    (b) successively (c) profoundly.

  1. It is not at all harmful.  On the contrary it is quite………..

   (a) Innocuous (b) delightful    (c) inefficient 

  1. They may disagree at first; but they will come round to your point of view………..

  (a) Understandably        (b) eventually        (c )  swiftly.

  1. They were agitating for the ………of smoking in public places

    (a) abstinence        (b)  prohibition    (c ) protest


Choose the option nearest in meaning .

  1. The sight of her out of date  clothes made  many of sue smile

  (a)old fashion     (b) forgotten   (c) made of date

  1. No one greeted him or spoke to him and he realized he had become a pariah

    (a)  leper        (b) outcast        (c) traitor    

  1. He has such a strong personality : every one does what he wants

  (a) character        (b) face        (c) body

  1. It was such a peculiar thing to say; I can’t thing why he said it.

(a) strange        (b) rude        (c ) different

  1. I can’t find it anywhere; so presumably its been lost or stolen

  (a) undoubtedly        (b) probably        (c)  clearly



  1. She makes a little money by selling cloth/ a cloth in a market
  2. A care / the care/ care is needed when using sharp tools.
  3. A nurse put dressing/ a dressing on the wound
  4. I want my shirts to be bright/ a bright/ the bright colour – red or orange would do.
  5. We went down a  coal mine.  It was interesting /an interesting/the  interesting experience .



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