Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 1







  • New General Mathematics SSS 1 M.F. Macrae et al 
  • WABP Essential Mathematics For Senior Secondary Schools 1 A.J.S Oluwasanmi





  • Simple true and false statements 
  • Negative and contra positive of simple statement. 
  • Antecedents, consequence and conditional statement (implication) 



A logical statement is a declaration verbal or written that is either true or   false but not both.

A true statement has a truth value T

A false statement has a truth value F

Logical statements are denoted by letters p, q, r ……

Questions, exclamations, commands and expression of feelings are not logical statements.

Ex: Which of the following are logical statements?

  1. Nigeria is an African country        (Statement)
  2. Who is he?                    (Not statement)
  3. If I run I shall not be late             (Statement)
  4. Japanese are hardworking people        (Statement)
  5. What a lovely man!            (Not statement)
  6. The earth is conical in shape        (Statement)
  7. If I think of my family            (Not statement)
  8. Take the pencil away            (Not statement)



State which of the statements is a logical statement

  1. Caesar was great leader
  2. Oh Mansa Musa, you are wonderful!
  3. Is he a serious teacher at all?
  4. If 6 is an odd number, then 3 + 5 = 10
  5. Stop talking to the boy
  6. The Broking House In Ibadan is a magnificent building




  1. A Logical statement
  2. Not a logical statement (Exclamation)
  3. Not a logical statement (Question)
  4. A logical statement 
  5. Not a logical statement (command)
  6. A logical statement

    Reading Assignment: Further Maths Project Ex 9a Q 1&2                      



Given a statement p, the negation of p written ~p is the statement ‘it is false that p” or     “not p”

    If P is true,(T)  ~p is false(F)and if P is false(F)~p is true(T)

    The relationship between P and ~p is shown in a table called a truth table


                                        P        ~p


                    T          F

            F         T

Ex I: Let P be the statement ‘Nigeria is a rich country’ then ~p is the statement ‘It is false that Nigeria is a rich country or ‘Nigeria is not a rich country’


Ex II: Let r be the statement 3 + 4 = 8 then ~p is the statement 3 + 4 ≠ 8

Ex III: Let q be the statement ‘isosceles triangle are equiangular’ then ~q is the statement ‘it is false that isosceles triangles are equiangular or ‘isosceles triangle are not equiangular’.



  1. Write the negation each of the following statements.
  2. It is very hot in the tropics.
  3. He is a handsome man.
  4. The football captain scored the first goal.
  5. Short cuts are dangerous.
  6. Write the negation of each of the following avoiding the word ‘not’ as much as possible.
  1. He was present in school yesterday.
  2. His friend is younger than my brother.
  3. She is the shortest girl in the class.
  4. He obtained the least mark in the examination.



Further maths projects Ex. 9a Q 3 – 7.



Let q stand for the statement ‘Femi is a brilliant student’ and r stand for the statement ‘Femi passed the test’. One way of combining the two statements is ‘If Femi is a brilliant     student then Femi passed the test’ or ‘If q then r’


The statement ‘If q then r’ is a combination of two simple statements q and r. It is called a compound statement.

Symbolically, the compound statement can be written as follows: ‘If q then r’ as q ⇒ r

    The statement q ⇒ r is real as 

    q implies r or 

    if q then r or 

    q if r

    The symbol ⇒ is an operation. In the compound statement q ⇒ r, the statement q is called     the antecedent while the sub statement r is called the consequence of q ⇒ r.

    The truth or falsity table for q ⇒ r is shown below.


                                                 q            r        q ⇒ r   

                                                  T           TT


                                                  T           F        F


                                                  F           T        T


                                                  F           F        T


Ex: If q is the statement ‘I am a male’ and r is the statement ‘The sun will rise’

        Consider the statements.

  1. If I am a male then the sun will rise
  2. If I am a male then the sun will not rise
  3. If I am not a male then the sun will rise
  4. If I am not a male then the sun will not rise

The statement (a), (c) and (d) are all true but b is not true because the antecedent is true and the consequent is false.


CONVERSE STATEMENT: The statement q ⇒ p is called the converse of the statement  p⇒ q. e.g. Let p be the statement ‘a triangle is equiangular’ and q the statement ‘a triangle is equilateral’.

    The State p ⇒ q means if a triangle is equiangular then it is equilateral.

    The statement q ⇒ p means if a triangle is equilateral then it is equiangular.


INVERSE STATEMENT: This statement ~p ⇒~ q is called the inverse of the statement                    p ⇒ q. If p is the statement ‘a triangle is equiangular and q is the statement ‘a triangle is     equilateral’ the statement~p ⇒~ q is the statement ‘if a triangle is not equiangular then it     is not equilateral’. 


CONTRAPOSITIVE STATEMENT: The statement ~q ⇒~ p is called the contrapositive statement of p ⇒ q.

    If p is the statement ‘I can swim’ and q is the statement ‘I will win’ then the statement                    ~q ⇒~ p is the statement ‘If I cannot swim then I cannot win’.



If p is the statement ‘it rains sufficiently’ and q the statement ‘the harvest will be good’ write the symbol of these statements.

(i)    If it rains sufficiently then the harvest will be good.

(ii)    If it doesn’t rain sufficiently then the harvest will be poor.

(iii)    If the harvest is poor then it doesn’t rain sufficiently.

(iv)    It doesn’t rain sufficiently.

(v)    If it doesn’t rain sufficiently then the harvest will be good.



  1. Biconditional statements
  2. The Chain Rule
  3. BICONDITIONAL STATEMENTS :If p and q are statements such that p ⇒ q and q ⇒ p are valid, then p and q imply each other or p is equivalent to q and we write p ⇔ q. The statement p ⇔ q is called a biconditional statement of p and q and the statement p and q are equivalent to each other.

    p ⇔ q could be read as 

        q is equivalent to p or

        q if and only if p or

        p if and only if q or

        if p then q and if q then p


The truth or falsity of p ⇔ q is shown below.



p ⇔ q














A biconditional statement is true when two sub-statements have the same truth value.

e.g. If p is the statement ‘the interior angle of a polygon are equal’ and q is the statement     ‘a polygon is regular’.

    p ⇒ q is the statement ‘if the interior angles of a polygon are equal then the polygon is     regular’.

    q ⇒  p is the statement ‘if a polygon is regular then the interior angles of the polygon are     equal’.

    p ⇒ q and q ⇒ p 

    p ⇔ q

    p and q are equivalent to each other.

    Examples: Let p be the statement ‘Mary is a model’

                    Let q be the statement ‘Mary is beautiful’

    Consider these statements.

  1. Mary is a model if and only if she is beautiful.
  2. Mary is a model if and only if she is ugly.
  3. Mary is not a model if and only if she is beautiful.
  4. Mary is not a model if and only if she is ugly.

Statements a and d are true because the sub-statements have the same truth value. Statements     b and c are false because the sub-statements have different truth values.


  1. THE CHAIN RULE : If p, q and r are three statements such that p ⇒ q and q ⇒ r.

Ex I:     Consider the arguments

Premise    T1: If a student works very hard, he passes his examination

Premise     T2: If a student passes his examination he is awarded a certificate.

Conclusion    T3: If a student works very hard, he is awarded a certificate.



        Let p be the statement “a student works very hard”

        Let q be the statement “a student passes his examination”

        Let r be the statement “a student is awarded a certificate”

    ‘The argument has the following structural form.

      p ⇒ q and q ⇒ r  ∴ p ⇒ r 

    This argument follows the chain rule link hence it is said to be valid.

    Ex II:     Consider the arguments

        T1: Soldiers are disciplined

        T2: Good leaders are disciplined men

        T3: Soldiers are good leaders.



        Let p be the statement ‘X is a seller’

        Let q be the statement ‘X is a disciplined man’

        Let r be the statement ‘X is a good leader’

    The argument has the following structural form.

        T1 : p ⇒ q

        T2 : r  ⇒ q

        T3 : p ⇒ r 

    The argument does not follow the format of the chain rule, hence it is not valid.



Give an outline of the structural form of the following arguments and state whether or notit is valid.

T1 : It is necessary to stay healthy in order to live long.

T2 : It is necessary to eat balanced diet in order to stay healthy.

T3 : It is necessary to eat balanced diet in order to live long.



  1. Determine which of the following are true and which are false. 
  1. (5 = 8 - 2) (4 + 7 = 11)
  2. (15 > 10) (0 > - 12)
  3. (3, 4, 5) is a Pythagorean triples or (9, 12, 15) is a Pythagorean triples. 
  1. Write the converse and the inverse of the following implications: 
  1. If the bus has a driver, then the bus can carry the passengers. 
  2. M ⟹
  3. A ⟹∽B



WABP Essential Mathematics page 189 – 190 exercise 14.3 no 5 – 10



P is the statement ‘Ayo has determination and q is the statement ‘Ayo will succed’. Use this information to answer these questions.

Which of these symbols represent these statements?

  1. Ayo has no determination.
  2. P ⇒ q      B.   ~ p ⇒ q          C.      ~ p
  3. If Ayo has no determination then he won’t succeed.
  4. ~p ⇒~ q     B. p ⇒~ q        C.  p ⇒ q        D.   p ⇒~ q
  5. If Ayo won’t succeed then he has no determination.
  6. ~q ⇒ p      B.    ~q ⇒~q        C.   ~q ⇒ p      D. q ⇒ p
  7. If Ayo has determination then he will succeed.
  8. ~p ⇒ q     B. ~p ⇒~ q       C.  ~q ⇒~ p     D. p ⇒ q
  9. If Ayo has no determination then he will succeed.
  10. ~p ⇒ q     B.  ~q ⇒~ p       C. ~p      D. ~p ⇒~ q



  1. Write down the inverse, converse and contrapositive of each of these statements.

(i)    If the bank workers work hard they will be adequately compensated.

(ii)    If he is humble and prayerful, he will meet with God’s favour.

(iii)    If he sets a good example, he will get a good followership.

  1. Find the truth value of these statements.
  2. If 11 > 8 then -1< -8
  3. If 3 + 4 ≠ 10 then 2 + 3 ≠ 5 



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