Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 1







  • Essential Geography for Senior Secondary Schools, O.A. Iwena.







 1                REVISION / MOUNTAINS 

 2                PLATEAUX

 3 - 4           LOWLAND (PLAINS)

 5                THE ENVIRONMENT

 6 - 7           WEATHER AND CLIMATE




 11              REVISION



Essential Geography for Senior Secondary Schools, O.A. Iwena.


Mountains are great elevated land surfaces resulting from intense action of internal forces. They have steep slopes and show distinct peaks. Mountains are classified according to their mode of formation, resulting in four major types of mountains. These are (i) Fold mountain (ii) Block Mountain (iii) Volcanic Mountain (iv) Residual mountain

(a) Fold Mountains  


Characteristics:  They contain old hard rocks with steep sides. They have wrinkling or folding appearance and show distinct peaks of great heights. Fold Mountains exist in layered form. They are soft, and have anticlines and synclines. 

Folding shortens the earth’s crust. They form most wide spread type of   Mountains and are noted for active volcanoes. They form the highest Mountain ranges. Examples of Fold Mountains include Himalayas, Rockies, Andes, Alps and Atlas Mountains. 


Mode of formation: They are formed by large-scale horizontal earth movement as a result of stress and compressional forces which cause expansion or contraction of some parts of the earth. Such stresses therefore subject the rocks to compressional forces.

The compressional forces produce wrinkling or folding of the earth. The up folds of the wrinkles are anticlines while the down folds are called syncline.

A fold may be simple, but where the compressional forces are complex, it results in asymmetrical folding. When pushed further, it forms an over-fold. An over-fold later forms a recumbent fold. In some cases, faults or cracks result in extreme folding to form over thrust fold.


Evaluation Questions


  • What is a mountain?
  • State the types of mountains.     



(b)    Block Mountains

Characteristics: Block Mountains are made up of old hard rocks with flat or slightly sloping surfaces. They have steep sides. They are associated with rift valleys. Examples of Block Mountains include Hunsruck Mountain, Voges Mountain and the Black Forest of the Rhine land. Example of rift valley is the East African rift valley system which is about 4.800km.


Mode of formation: Block Mountains are formed when the earth cracks due to faulting. Faulting may result from tensional forces or compressional forces. Tensional forces are those that tend to pull the earth’s crust apart and they result in a normal fault while the Compressional forces are those that shorten the crust to produce a reverse or thrust fault. Therefore, if a block of rock between two normal faults rises or the land on either sides of the block subsides, a Block mountain or Horst is formed. At times, a block in between two faults may subside so that rift valley or graben is formed. The slopes and height of Block Mountains are modified by agents of denudation. 


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Mention any three types of mountain.
  2. Block mountain is also called......
  3. Rift valley is associated with …….Mountain?


(c)     Volcanic Mountain  

Characteristics: Volcanic Mountains are made up of lava. They have irregular sides with conical shape. Materials that make up volcanic mountains include ash, volcanic bombs, and cinders which are arranged in layers. Examples include Mt. Fuji (Japan), Mt. Mayon (Philippines), Mt Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elgon, Ruwenzori and Cameroon (all in Africa).


Mode of formation: Volcanic Mountains are formed from volcanoes which are built from materials (molten magma) ejected through fissures or vents in the earth’s crust. The materials also include molten lava, volcanic bombs, cinders, ash, dust and liquid mud. They fall around the vent in successive layers, building up an extensive volcanic cone. Volcanic mountains are also called mountain of accumulation.   


(d)    Residual Mountain 

Characteristic: Residual Mountains are formed from the remains of already existing mountains. They have irregular surfaces with steep sides. They occur in varying heights and sizes and are caused by agents of denudation. Examples include Mt Manodnock (U.S.A), Highlands of Scotland, Highlands of Scandinavia and Decon Plateau.


Mode of formation: Residual Mountains are formed from already existing mountains which are lowered or reduced by agents of denudation such as running water, ice and wind. Residual mountains are therefore, the remains of the existing mountains. Some hard and very resistant parts of the existing mountains remain after the lowering of the upper part. This remaining part is called residual mountain which is also called mountain of denudation. 

Importance or uses of mountains 

  1. Sources of minerals.                        2.    Formation of rainfall.
  2. For transhumance.                         4.    Climatic barriers. 
  3. For defence.                                   6.    As tourist centers. 
  4. Construction of Hydro-Electric Power.     8.    As wind-breaks. 


Disadvantages of Mountains 

  1. Barriers to Communication.                                         
  2. Prevent Human Habitation.
  3. Mountains Promote Soil Erosion.                                   
  4. Mountains Occupy good land that could have been used for other useful things. 
  5. Mountains soil is poor in nutrients.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Volcanic and residual mountains are also called……… and………….
  2. Mention two examples of a volcanic mountain.


General Evaluation Questions 

  1. Mention the types of mountains.
  2. Explain the mode of formation of residual mountain.
  3. What is mountain of accumulation?
  4.  Give four importance of mountains to man.
  5. State the disadvantages of mountains. 


Reading Assignment

Read on mountains in Essential Geography, Pgs. 31-33



  1. The unfolds of the wrinkles produced in fold mountain is known as 

(a) synclines (b) anticlines (c) push ups (d) push downs

  1. Which of these is not a fold mountain (a) Atlas Mountain (b) Himalayas 

(c) Mt. Kenya (d) Alps

  1. Which of these mountains is produced by faulting? (a) fold mountain (b) residual mountain (c) block mountain (d) volcanic mountain
  2. Another name for “Mountain of Accumulation” is (a) residual mountain (b) fold mountain (c) volcanic mountain (d) block mountain
  3. Mountain Manodnock in USA is an example of (a) fold mountain (b) block mountain (c) volcanic mountain (d) residual mountain  



  1. With diagrams, explain the formation of any two types of mountain. 
  2. List two disadvantages of mountains.


 Plateaux are elevated uplands. They have extensive flat or level surfaces which usually descend sharply to the surrounding lowland. It has gentle slope. They are often referred to as table lands because of their flat or level surfaces. Plateaus are tabular in shape, steep-sided with rough and irregular surface. They have narrow valleys and sometimes used for hydrological centers. Mesas and buttes may be present. 

Most Plateaux are relics of ancient mountain ranges. 

Types of Plateau        

(i) Tectonic Plateau (ii) Volcanic Plateau (iii) Dissected Plateau 

(a)    Tectonic Plateaux 

Mode of Formation: These plateaux are formed as a result of earth movement which causes the uplift of some areas and the depression of others. Uplifted areas of level or undulating land form tectonic plateau and the depressed area form basins. 

Tectonic plateau are two types (i) Table Land and Intermont. Examples of Tectonic Plateau include Decan plateau (India), Harz (Germany), and Mesetal (Liberia). Intermont is formed when the uplifted areas are enclosed by fold mountains e.g. Tibetan plateau between Himalayas and Kunlun, and Bolivia plateau.


(b)    Volcanic or Lava Plateau 

Mode of Formation: These plateaus are formed when molten lava comes out of the earth’s crust through a vent and spreads out in successive layers. The lava cools solidifies to form volcanic or lava plateau. Examples include Antrim plateau of Northern Ireland and Columbia Snake Plateau.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a plateau?
  2. How is tectonic plateau formed?
  3. Mention the two types of tectonic plateau.


(c) Dissected Plateau

Mode of Formation: These plateaux are formed due to weathering and agents of denudation such as running water, wind, ice etc which wear down large and extensive plateau into remnant structures of irregular surface called dissected plateau. They may also be formed as a result of uplift. Examples include Jos Plateau (Nigeria), edges of Fouta Djallon Plateau (Guinea) and Kumasi Plateau (Ghana). 


Importance or Uses of Plateau

(1)    Some plateaux are sources of valuable mineral like tin, gold, diamond, etc. which are useful to man. 

(2)    Some plateaux are centers of tourist attraction. 

(3)    Some plateaux are sources of  rivers. 

(4)    Some plateaux like Jos plateau, have cold climate which encourages settlement of people. 

(5)    Most plateaux, due to their cold climate and fertility, promote some specialization farming which gives rise to the cultivation of specific crops.

(6)    Plateaux also support the growth of pasture grasses and legumes which support the rearing of animals e.g. cattle, sheep and goat. 


Disadvantages of Plateaux

  1. Some plateaux are barriers to communication as they prevent road, railway and airport construction.

(2)    Some plateaux are associated with erosion which tends to reduce or prevent serious  farming activities.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. When will a plateau be regarded as dissected?
  2. Give two examples of a dissected plateau.


General Evaluation

  1.  Mention two advantages and two disadvantages of a plateau.
  2. Explain the mode of formation of a dissected plateau.
  3. Explain tectonic plateau.
  4. What is solar system?
  5. List the nine planets.



Read on plateau in Essential Geography. Pgs 34-35.


Weekend Assignment

  1. The uplifted area of the level land which is enclosed by fold mountain is known as (a) table land (b) plateau (c) intermont (d) horst 
  2. The type of plateau which is formed by agents of denudation is (a) volcanic plateau (b) tectonic plateau (c) residual plateau (d) dissected plateau
  3. Jos Plateau in Nigeria is a good example of (a) Volcanic plateau (b) tectonic plateau (c) Dissected plateau (d) Residual plateau
  4. Which of these plateaux is known as Lava plateau? (a) Volcanic plateau (b) Tectonic plateau (c) Dissected plateau (d) Residual Plateau
  5. Columbia snake plateau is an example of (a) Dissected plateau (b) Volcanic plateau (c) Tectonic plateau (d) Block plateau



  1. What is intermont?
  2. State four uses of plateau.



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