Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Senior Secondary School 1

COMPUTING DEVICES 1(Pre- computer age to 19 century)







TOPIC: COMPUTING DEVICES 1(Pre- computer age to 19 century)

Reference book: Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education.



In 1801 the Frenchman, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a power loom that could design on a fabric upon a pattern automatically read from punched cards, held together in a long row by rope. Jacquard’s technology was a real boon to mill owners. Jacquard’s loom was one of the first machines that were run by a program.  Joseph Jacquard changed the weaving industry by creating a loom that controlled the raising of the threads through punched cards.  Jacquard’s loom used lines of holes on a card to represent the weaving pattern.


During the years between 1920 and 1930, the punched card system developed steadily.  A standard card was divided into 80 columns and 12 rows.  Only one character could be represented in the 80 columns, thus providing a maximum of 80 characters per card.  Punching one, two or three holes in any one column represented a character.  Holes were punched into a blank card by a punch machine whose keyboard resembled that of a typewriter.


By 1822 the English mathematician Charles Babbage was proposing a steam driven calculating machine of the size of a room, which he called the Difference Engine. This machine would be able to compute tables of numbers, such as logarithm tables but the device was never finished.


In 1833, Babbage designed a machine called an “Analytical Engine”. This device is large as a house, powered by 6 steam engines, more general purpose in nature and programmable due to the punched card technology of Jacquard. Through the connection to the Jacquard loom, Babbage called the two main parts of his Analytical Engine the “Store” and the “Mill”, as both terms are used in the weaving industry. The store was where numbers were held and the Mill was where they were “woven” into new results. In a modern computer these same parts are called the memory unit and the Central Processing Unit (CPU).


  1. Describe a standard punch card 2. List any three calculating device listed above.

READING ASSIGNMENT: HiiT @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Chapter Three, page 7.



  1. Who is regarded as the father of Computer? a) Joseph Jacquard b) Charles    

     Babbage c) Abacus

  1. Jacquard’s loom was used in the____industry a) Mechanical (b) Weaving (c) Food    
  2. A standard punch card is divided into____ (a) 80 columns and 10 rows    (b) 80 columns and  

    12 rows    (c) 75 columns and 12 rows

  1. Charles Babbage invented how many machines? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 
  2. Who was the Frenchman invented a power loom? a) Joseph Marie Jacquard b) Charles    

     Babbage c) John Jacquard


  1. Describe a standard Punch Card.

2a) Explain Analytical engine. b) Write a short note on the difference engine.





  1. Napier device is made up of how many rods? a) 11 b) 4 c) 15
  2. Who was considered as one of the greatest philosophers?  a) Pascal b) Leibnitz c) Abacus
  3. Who advocated the use of binary system in computing? a) Pascal b) Leibnitz c) Napier
  4. What age was Pascal when he invented Pascaline? a) 19 b) 12 c) 21
  5. Who invented the probability theory? a) Pascal b) Leibnitz c) Napier


Write short note on the following: Pascaline, Napier’s bone and Leibnitz calculating machine.


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