TERM: 1st Term
SUBJECT: Computer Science
TOPIC: Overview of a computer system
What is a computer?
Constituents of a computer
Characteristics of a computer
What is a Computer?
A computer is a mechanical programs machine that accepts data as input, store and manipulates the data through instructions in order to give output as information.
A Computer is an electronic device known to be a very powerful tool for processing data into meaning information in a faster, neater and cheaper form. The Computer System is one that is able to take a set of inputs, process them and create a set of outputs.
A Computer is a general-purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element, typically a central processing unit (CPU), and some form of memory.
An INPUT consists of data or commands that are entered into the computer usually via an input device such as keyboard, mouse, scanner e.t.c. The role of an input is to provide data for further processing.
Processing is the stage where the input data is manipulated to produce meaningful information. Processing can include a number of stages, sorting, searching, calculating, graphing e.t.c The result obtained is called output.
An OUTPUT is the stage where information received via processing is presented to the user in suitable format. Most outputs involve converting digital data to a physical effect which a person can see or hear. You might be able to see your output via a print out or a display and also hear via music, voice training instructions.
Constituents of a Computer
The computer system has two main parts namely
Computer hardware: This refers to the physical things of a computer, things that can be seen, touched and handled. Example – the system unit and peripherals.
Computer software: Is a set of instructions or programs that direct the operation of the computer and devices attached to it. Computer software is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer’s processor to perform specific operations. Computer software contrasts with computer hardware, which is the physical component of computers.
The computer software can be divided into two – the system software and the application software.
Characteristics of a Computer
List three output services.
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