Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 5


Week 9




Topic: Religion and Religion beliefs 

Behavioral objectives: At the end of the lessons, the pupils should be able to

  • lists the types of religious practices in Nigeria.
  • explain the meaning of religious intolerance.
  • identify problems of religious bodies in Nigeria.
  • state five of the role of religious bodies in Nigeria.
  • state how religious conflicts can be controlled

Instructional materials

Different kind of Charts and references materials 

Scheme of work 

And other relevant materials

6 years basic Education curriculum

Online information

Building background connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes



Types of religious practices in Nigeria

We already know that there are three main religions in Nigeria. These are the African traditional religion, Islam and Christianity. There are various groups or sects in each of these religions. These sects have some beliefs which are different from those of the larger group. Some of the sects in the Muslim religion are the Ansar-ud-deen, the Ahmadiyya and the Nawar-ud-deen sects. in African traditional religion, there are, among others, the Sango worshippers, the Obatala worshippers, the Amadioha worshippers and the Olokun worshippers. Among the Christians, there are the Roman Catholic, the Church Missionary Society (CMS), the Baptist and the Pentecostal Movement, among others. 

Each of the sects in Islam, Christianity and African traditional religion interprets aspects of the Holy Quran, the Holy Bible, and the teachings of the African traditional religion in different ways. However, they all claim to serve and worship the same God.

Meaning of religious intolerance

Religious intolerance is the inability to accept that others have the right to practise their own religion. Religious intolerance occurs when some members of society refuse to accept or tolerate the religious practices of other people. For instance, some people want everybody to belong to their own religion or sect. Such people sometimes attack or kill those of other sects. 

Sometimes ago, there were religious riots in some parts of the northern states especially in Kano. Some Muslims tried to force others to join their own sect of the Islamic religion. This group was known as the Maitatsine group. They killed many People and destroyed property. Recently, the Boko Haram has also destroyed lives and properties in parts of northern Nigeria. This is not a good religious practice. 

There have also been religious riots in Kaduna, Kafanchan, Maiduguri, Bauchi and Katsina towns. 

God is merciful, kind and peaceful. He does not want violence. People should, therefore, not fight or kill one another because of religion. Such actions do not help the country to be united.

Effects of religious conflicts on society

Some of the bad effects of religious quarrels on society are:

  1. Loss of lives: People are often killed during religious riots. The killing may be planned, or it may be by accident.
  2. Loss of property: Houses of worship are often burnt. Cars and other property belonging to people are destroyed.
  3. Public disturbances: Religious crises disturb public peace. People, therefore, leave their work to hide in safer places, and this is bad for the country’s progress.
  4. Wasteful spending: Government usually helps people who are affected by religious riots. This help is often in the form of money or materials. Often, places of worship, which have been damaged, have to be rebuilt. This is wasteful; as such money could be put to better use.
  5. Hatred: Religious riots also affect national unity. People begin to hate one another, and this is not good for the peace and unity of Nigeria.

Assessment and evaluation

Teacher asks questions from pupils based on the topic 

 Wrap up and conclusions

Teacher goes over the topic for better understanding.


  1. Define Religion intolerance

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