Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 5






TOPIC: Recycling

Recycling simply means treating waste materials and substances with the purpose of using them again. Recycling is a very good method of waste management. It is a process of converting waste to useful products.

Methods of Recycling

  • Soil: Used soil can be recycled by adding manure or fertilizers to give it nutrients.
  • Waste water: Waste water can be re-used by treating it for irrigation, washing e.g. washing of tools
  • Bottles: We can wash used bottles and use them as containers e.g. to store water inside the refrigerator. Used bottles can also be recycled for re-use. Broken bottles can be used for the production of glass.
  • Broken furniture: Our broken tables, chairs, cupboards can be reshaped by carpenters. -
  • Plastic containers: Used plastic containers can be washed and re-used as storage facilities.
  • Old newspapers: They can be used as raw materials for factories that produce toilet tissue.
  • Used metal and iron: These can be melted again and reshaped into new objects.

Advantages of Recycling Waste

Recycling has many advantages. The following are some of the advantages of recycling waste.

  • Recycling saves our environment from pollutants.
  • It affords access to raw materials.
  • It makes conservation of materials possible.
  • It promotes personal hygiene.
  • It is a strategy for the control of flood and erosion.
  • Manure is obtained from used materials which enriches the soil and promotes crop yield .
  • Recycling provides job opportunities, for instance, some people go from house to house to buy empty bottles, condemned household appliances, etc. and re-sell them to factories that need them for raw materials.

Dangers of Poor Disposal of Waste

The purpose of waste disposal is to keep the environment clean and healthy. It is a method of waste management. If however waste is generated without proper disposal, the existence of living things is endangered.��

The following are dangers of poor disposal of waste.

(i.) Poor disposal of waste leads to environmental pollution.

(ii.) It encourages disease-causing parasites and germs such as viruses, germs, bacteria, etc. in the environment.

(iii.) Emission of gaseous waste into the atmosphere can cause serious illness and disability.

(iv.) Inhalation of poisonous gases can cause serious respiratory problems. (v) The lives of aquatic plants and animals are endangered by dumping of refuse and sewage into our rivers, streams, etc.

(v.) Poor disposal of toxic waste can destroy plants, animals and human beings.

(vi.) Improper waste disposal makes land, water and air unsafe for use. (viii) Poor disposal of waste can lead to flood and erosion, e.g. dumping of refuse into rivers can block water flow, which can cause flood.


  1. Identify the components and types of waste.
  2. Mention the dangers of poor and improper waste disposal.
  3. Explain the advantages of recycling waste.
  4. Discuss different ways of disposing of waste


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding

Evaluation Questions�

  1. Give the difference between waste and waste disposal.
  2. How does waste affect our environment?
  3. List different types of waste. 4. How can you dispose waste?
  4. What are the benefits of recycling?
  5. List methods of recycling.
  6. State the advantages and disadvantages of recycling and waste disposal.

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