Week 9&10
TOPIC: Pictogram and mode
SUBTOPIC: Bar gragh and mode
BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
Examples of Pictographs
Information gathered from the above table:(i) Number of red boxes sold:
Monday – 4, Tuesday – 2, Wednesday – 3, Thursday – 5, Friday – 8, Saturday – 1
Therefore, sale during the week = 23
(ii) Lowest sale – on Saturday, only 1 box was sold.
Maximum sale on Friday is 8 boxes were sold.
We can easily get more information by observing this picture-graph.
Information gathered from the above table:
(i) Number of illiterate children of different small towns:
Melrose - 5, Marengo - 4, Midway - 7, Parral - 3 and Rushville - 2
(ii) Total number of illiterate = 21
Pictographs Face
→ 1 face represents 10 children
See the picture graph or pictograph to answer the questions.
Picture Graph or Pictograph
Information gathered from the above table:
(i) Number of students going to school by different modes of transportation:
Auto-rickshaw = 6 × 10 = 60, Car = 4 × 10 = 40, Bicycle = 7 × 10 = 70, Bus = 10 × 10 = 100, On foot = 3 × 10 = 30
(ii) Total number = 60 + 40 + 70 + 100 + 30 = 300
A bar graph (bar chart) is presented in rectangular form
having horizontal and vertical axes as shown opposite:
Table: Favorite Type of Movie
Comedy Action Romance Drama SciFi
4 5 6 1 4
We can show that on a bar graph like this:
Favorite Type of Movie
It is a really good way to show relative sizes: we can see which types of movie are most liked, and which are least liked, at a glance.
We can use bar graphs to show the relative sizes of many things, such as what type of car people have, how many customers a shop has on different days and so on.
Example: Nicest Fruit
A survey of 145 people asked them "Which is the nicest fruit?":
Fruit: Apple Orange Banana Kiwifruit Blueberry Grapes
People: 35 30 10 25 40 5
And here is the bar graph:
bar graph for fruit
That group of people think Blueberries are the nicest.
Bar Graphs can also be Horizontal, like this:
bar graph horizontal
Example: Student Grades
In a recent test, this many students got these grades:
Grade: A B C D
Students: 4 12 10 2
And here is the bar graph:
Exercise 1.
lunch break and produced the table below.
Type of vehicle Bicycle Motorbike Car Lorry
Number 4 10 25 16
Draw a bar chart to show the information.
Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
Rainfall per week (mm) 40 35 20 30 25 15 15
Draw a bar graph to show the information.
shown in the table.
Number of litres 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of houses 11 16 12 5 8 3
Draw a bar graph to show the information.
Opinion Very good Good Okay Poor Very poor
Number of Pupils 2 12 20 10 8
Draw a bar graph to show the information
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