Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 4

Preparation of compost manure

Class:- Basic 4

Subject:- Agricultural Science

Term: 3rd Term

Week:- 8 and 9

Topic:  Preparation of compost manure

Behavioral objective:- At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:-

  1. Define compost
  2. List the material required for compost making
  3. Explain the steps involved in compost making
  4. Give reasons why we do the following during the compost preparation:

   --- Watering –

   ---Turning the heap –

   --- Shading from light –

Instructional material/Reference material:- Learn Africa Basic Agricultural Science UBE edition for priimary school book 4

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge : Students are familiar with the materials used in making compost manure




 What is compost manure?

Compost is mixture of decayed plants refuse, decayed animal dung and chicken waste. When added to the soil, it makes the soil fertile. Compost improves plant food and makes the crop to grow well.

Materials for making compost

  1. Plant refuse
  2. Animal dung(farm yard manure)
  3. Household refuse(kitchen)
  4. Wood ash
  5. Soil
  6. Water

Steps in making compost

  1. Dig four pits labeled A, B, C and D. the size should be 1 m × 1m x 0.5.
  2. Pit A is called loading pit. Arrange the materials for making compost in layer separated by soil in pit A. make sure you moisten the heap with water to allow for easy decomposition.
  3. After two weeks, move the contents of pit A to B ( first turn).
  4. After about one week, mo e the content of B to C (second turn).
  5. After another one week, move the content of C to D.
  6. Cover up the compost to prevent evaporation, leaching and erosion before applying it to the farm. Content of D is transferred to as compost after 4 – 6 weeks. Turning the heap allow the air into the heap and make for even decay.




  1. What Is Compost?
  2. List the material required for compost making
  3. Explain the steps involved in compost making
  4. Give reasons why we do the following during the compost preparation:
  5. Watering –
  6. Turning the heap –
  7. Shading from light –

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