Lesson Notes By Weeks and Term - Primary 4






TOPIC: Capacity

SUBTOPIC:  Capacity addition and subtraction of liters

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recapitulate the standard measurements of some liquid
  2. Convert liters to centiliters
  3. Add liters correctly
  4. Subtract liters correctly





Capacity is the measure of the amount of liquid in a container. The standard unit of

measuring capacity is the litre ( l

Small amount of liquid is measured in millilitre (ml) while large amount is measured in litres.

Table of capacity measure

10 milliliters ( ml) = 1 centiliter ( cl) 10 centilitres = 1 decilitre (dl)

10 deciliters = 1 litre (l) 10 litre = 1 decilitre (dl)

10 decilitres = hectolitre (hl)  10 hectolitres = 1 kilolitre (kl)

Note that

1 000ml  = 1 litre ( l ) 100 cl = 1 litre 1 000 l = 1 kilolitre (kl)

When converting a smaller capacity measure to a higher one, note the following:

  1. a) From ml to cl, divide by 10 b) From cl to l, divide by 100
  2. c) From ml to l, divide by 1 000 d) From l to kl, divide by 1 000


  1. Convert 4 000ml to l =4000/1000l=4l
  2. Convert 600cl to l = 600/100=6l

Exercise 1

Express the following in litres L

  1. 2 000ML 2. 1 200CL 3. 650cl 4. 800cl 5. 5 000ml
  2. 20 000ml 7. 900ml 8. 14 000ml 9. 700ml 10. 10 500ml


When converting higher capacity measure to a smaller capacity, note the following:

  1. a) From cl to ml, multiply by 10 b) From l to cl, multiply by 100
  2. c) From l to ml,, multiply by 1 000 d) From kl to l, multiply by 1 000


  1. Convert 6 litres to cl

1l = 100 cl

6l = 100 × 6 = 600 cl

  1. Convert 5.5l to ml

1l  = 1 000 ml

5.5l = 5.5 × 1 000 ml = 5 500ml

Exercise 2

Convert the following to ml

  1. 7 cl 2. 6.5l 3. 10 l 4. 8.5 l 5. 12l

Convert the following to ml

  1. 2 l 2. 10 cl 3. 1.5 l 4. 3 cl 5. 4 l

Convert the following to l

  1. 1.5 kl 2. 3kl 3. 4.3 kl 4. 0.8kl 5. 0.26kl

6. 1.2 kl 7. 0.3 kl 8. 0.15 kl 9. 1.04 kl 10. 3.13kl 


Addition and subtraction involving litres


  1. 2.38l + 1.65l

         = 2 · 38l+ 1 · 65 =4 · 03 l

  1. 46.35l – 29.l6 l

            = 46 · 35 – 29 · 16 = 17 · 19l


Copy and complete the following.

  1. 4 · 3 + 2 · 4l

2.7 · 9+ 8 · 6l

  1. 14 · 3+ 9 · 8l
  2. 8 · 42+ 3 · 25l
  3. 5. 12 · 86+ 4 · 91
  4. 15 · 63+ 14 · 78
  5. 3 · 175+ 18 · 134
  6. 13 · 217+ 19 · 893
  7. 27 · 398+ 24 · 923
  8. 34 · 654+ 27 · 678
  9. 49 · 415+ 50 · 687
  10. 5 · 6− 2 · 4l
  11. 9 · 2− 5 · 4l
  12. 11 · 8− 6 · 9
  13. 7 · 43− 2 · 19l
  14. 20 · 24− 8 · 77l
  15. 32 · 03− 18 · 15l
  16. 32 · 714− 16 · 250l
  17. 46 · 038− 15 · 71l
  18. 53 · 412− 26 · 891l
  19. 60 · 105− 42 · 314l
  20. 76 · 964+ 9 · 087
  21. 795 · 22+ 900 · 11l
  22. 900 · 85+ 25 · 22
  23. 18.23l + 19.47l 26. 26.08l + 34.971l 27. 41.376l + 39.8l
  24. 30.317l – 12.888l 29. 46.053l – 18.94l 30. 61.7l – 45.632l

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